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  2. Astronomical Science Program Faculty Members

You can find information of each of the faculty members by clicking the names in the table below.
The faculty member with * can not be a principal supervisor.

Chair of the program

FamilyName,FirstName Position Research Unit
SEKII, Takashi Professor
(Chair of the program/ Director of the Graduate Education Office/ Chair of the Graduate Education Committee)
Graduate Education Office

Optical and Infrared Astronomy

FamilyName,FirstName Position Research Unit Research Fields
AOKI, Wako Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
TMT Project Stellar physics, Spectroscopy
DOI, Mamoru Professor (NAOJ Director General) Optical and infrared astronomy, Time-domain astronomy, Observational Cosmology
GOUDA, Naoteru Professor JASMINE Project Structure formations in the Universe, Dynamical structure of galaxies, Astrometry
HAYANO, Yutaka Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Subaru Telescope Near Infrared astronomy, Adaptive optics, Instrumentation
MIYAZAKI, Satoshi Professor Subaru Telescope Observational cosmology and optical/IR instrumentation
SAITO, Masao Professor TMT Project Radio astronomy, Star formation, Outer galaxy
USUDA, Tomonori Professor TMT Project Infrared astronomy, Observational astronomy, Development of telescopes and instruments
WATANABE, Junichi Professor Public Relations Center Planetary sciences
YAMASHITA, Takuya Professor TMT Project
YOSHIDA, Michitoshi Professor Subaru Telescope Galactic astronomy
IONO, Daisuke Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
TMT Project Colliding and merging galaxies, U/LIRGs, Submm galaxies, Radio astronomy
IZUMIURA, Hideyuki Associate Professor Subaru Telescope(Okayama branch office) Cool stars, our Galaxy, Astronomical instruments, Exoplanet searches
KOTANI, Takayuki
Associate Professor Astrobiology Center
KOYAMA, Yusei Associate Professor Subaru Telescope Galaxy formation, Galaxy evolution, Galaxy clusters, Galaxy environment, Large-scale structure of the universe
MINOWA, Yosuke Associate Professor Subaru Telescope Development of observational instruments
NOUMARU, Junichi Associate Professor TMT Project Galactic astronomy, Telescope engineering, Development of telescopes and control systems
OYA, Shin Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Advanced Technology Center Adaptive Optics, Near Infrared astronomy, Instrumentation, Large telescopes
SUGIMOTO, Masahiro Associate Professor TMT Project Radio Astronomy
TANAKA, Masayuki Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Subaru Telescope Galaxy formation and evolution, Observational cosmology, Citizen science
Ozaki, Shinobu Associate Professor
(Senior Lecturer)
Advanced Technology Center Instrument development (especially Integral Field Unit), Observational study on active galactic nuclei
WADA, Takehiko Associate Professor JASMINE Project Infrared Astronomy, Spaceborne Instrumentation
IMANISHI, Masatoshi Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope Infrared luminous merging galaxies, Active galactic nuclei, high-redshift quasars, Infrared astronomy, radio astronomy, Subaru telescope, ALMA
ISHIGAKI, Miho Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope Galactic astronomy, Spectroscopy
Maehara, Hiroyuki Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope(Okayama) Stellar flares, starspots, stellar CMEs
MORITANI, Yuki Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope Optical-near-infrared instrumentation, observational research of binaries
NISHIKAWA, Jun Assistant Professor TMT Project High-contrast imaging of exo-planets, Stellar coronagraph, Wavefront control, Optical interferometry
OKAMOTO, Sakurako Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope Galactic archaeology, Stellar population, Nearby galaxies, Galaxy formation, Galaxy evolution
OKITA, Hirofumi Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope
ONODERA, Masato Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope Evolution of the stars and gas in galaxies, Extragalactic astronomy, Optical and Infrared astronomy
PYO, Tae-Soo Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope Star and planet formation, optical and infrared observational astronomy, jets/outflows from young stars
TSUJIMOTO, Takuji Assistant Professor JASMINE Project Chemical evolution of galaxies Origin and evolution of the elements
YABE, Kiyoto Assistant Professor Subaru Telescope Optical and Infrared Astronomy, Galaxy Formation and Evolution
YANO, Taihei Assistant Professor JASMINE Project Astrometry

Radio Astronomy

FamilyName,FirstName Position Research Unit Research Fields
FUKAGAWA, Misato* Professor ALMA Project Planet formation
HONMA, Mareki* Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Mizusawa VLBI Observatory Galactic structure, black holes, high resolution astronomy with VLBI
IGUCHI, Satoru Professor ALMA Project Radio astronomy, Galaxy formation, Radio interferometry
KAMENO, Seiji Professor ALMA Project Radio astronomy, Active galactic nuclei, System engineering
NAMIKI, Noriyuki Professor
(Vice-chair of the Program / Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
RISE Project Planetary sciences
SAKAMOTO, Seiichi Professor ALMA Project Radio Astronomy, Interstellar Physics
TATEMATSU, Ken'ichi Professor Nobeyama Radio Observatory Radio astronomy
UZAWA, Yoshinori Professor Advanced Technology Center Superconducting electronics, Terahertz technology
ASAKI, Yoshiharu Associate Professor ALMA Project Radio astronomy
HATSUKADE, Bunyo* Associate Professor ALMA Project Radio Astronomy, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Astronomical Transient Phenomena
HIROTA, Tomoya Associate Professor Mizusawa VLBI Observatory Radio astronomy, Astrometry, Astrochemistry
ISHII, Shun Associate Professor ALMA Project Radio astronomy, Star formation
IZUMI, Takuma Associate Professor ALMA Project Radio astronomy, Active galactic nucleus, Quasar, Supermassive black hole
KOSUGI, George Associate Professor ALMA Project Galactic physics, Gamma-Ray burst astronomy, Observational systems
MATSUMOTO, Koji Associate Professor RISE Project Planetary geodesy
MATSUO, Hiroshi Associate Professor Advanced Technology Center Radio astronomy, Millimeter, Submillimeter and Terahertz instrumentations
MINAMIDANI, Tetsuhiro Associate Professor NAOJ Chile Radio astronomy, Instruments for radio astronomy
NAGAI, Hiroshi Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
ALMA Project Radio astronomy, High energy astrophysics
NAKANISHI, Kouichiro Associate Professor
(Senior Lecturer, Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
ALMA Project Galaxies, Radio interferometers
NISHIMURA, Atsushi Associate Professor Nobeyama Radio Observatory
TAKAHASHI, Satoko Associate Professor ALMA Project Millimeter and submillimeter astronomy, Radio interferometry, Star formation
HIRAMATSU, Masaaki Associate Professor
(Senior Lecturer)
Public Relations Center Radio astronomy, Star formation
ARAKI, Hiroshi Assistant Professor RISE Project Planetary science, Planetary geodesy
EZAWA, Hajime Assistant Professor ALMA Project Radio astronomy, X-ray astronomy
HIROTA, Akihiko Assistant Professor ALMA Project Radio astronomy
IZUMI, Natsuko Assistant Professor ALMA Project
JIKE, Takaaki Assistant Professor Mizusawa VLBI Observatory Space geodesy, Solid geo-science
KONO, Yusuke Assistant Professor Mizusawa VLBI Observatory Radio astronomy, VLBI
MATSUDA, Yuichi Assistant Professor ALMA Project Observational astronomy
MIYOSHI, Makoto Assistant Professor JASMINE Project Galactic nucleus
NODA, Hirotomo Assistant Professor RISE Project
OHSHIMA, Tai Assistant Professor Advanced Technology Center X-ray astronomy, Radio astronomy, Instrumentation
SUNADA, Kazuyoshi Assistant Professor Mizusawa VLBI Observatory Radio astronomy, Star & planet formation, Astrometry, Galactic astronomy, Receiver system
UEDA, Akitoshi Assistant Professor JASMINE Project Quantum electronics
UMEMOTO, Tomofumi
Assistant Professor Public Relations Center Radio astronomy, Interstellar physics, Planetary sciences

General Astronomy and Astrophysics

FamilyName,FirstName Position Research Unit Research Fields
HARA, Hirohisa Professor SOLAR-C Project Solar physics, Astronomical instrumentation
IKOMA, Masahiro Professor Division of Science Exoplanet, Planet formation, Exoplanetary atmosphere
KANO, Ryouhei* Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
JASMINE Project Space instrumentation, Observational astronomy(Sun and Stars)
KATSUKAWA, Yukio* Professor Solar Science Observatory Solar physics
KOHRI, Kazunori Professor Division of Science The Early Universe, Cosmology, Black Holes, Astro-Particle Physics
KOKUBO, Eiichiro* Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Center for Computational Astrophysics Formation of planetary systems
NOMURA, Hideko Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Division of Science Theoretical astronomy, Radio/infrared astronomy
OUCHI, Masami Professor Division of Science Galaxy formation, Observational cosmology, Early universe, Optical near-infrared astronomy
OZAKI, Masanobu Professor Advanced Technology Center Spacecraft-borne equipment development, X-ray astronomy
SEKII, Takashi Professor
(Chair of the program/ Director of the Graduate Education Office/ Chair of the Graduate Education Committee)
Graduate Education Office Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, Inverse theory
TOMARU, Takayuki* Professor Gravitational Wave Science Project Gravitational-wave astronomy, Experimental physics
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Division of Science Supernova, Nucleosynthesis, Time-domain astronomy, Multi-messenger astronomy
ASO, Yoichi Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Gravitational Wave Science Project Gravitational wave astronomy, Precision laser metrology, Quantum measurement
AGATA, Hidehiko Associate Professor Public Relations Center Science education, Science communication
FUJII, Yuka Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Division of Science Exoplanets
FURUSAWA, Hisanori Associate Professor Astronomy Data Center Galaxy formation and evolution, Observational cosmology
HANAOKA, Yoichiro Associate Professor Solar Science Observatory Solar physics
HIRANO, Teruyuki Associate Professor Astrobiology Center Extrasolar planets, Optical and near-infrared astronomy, Data science
ICHIKAWA, Shinichi
Associate Professor Astronomy Data Center Galactic astronomy, Astronomical database
Associate Professor Solar Science Observatory Solar physics, Development of observational instruments
KOJIMA, Takafumi Associate Professor
ALMA Project High frequency and superconducting electronics for radio astronomy
MACHIDA, Mami Associate Professor Division of Science Accretion disks, MHD simulation
NAKAMURA, Fumitaka* Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Division of Science Star formation, Star cluster formation, Stellar feedback, Magnetic fields of ISM
SHIMOJO, Masumi Associate Professor ALMA Project Solar physics
SHAN, Wenlei Associate Professor Advanced Technology Center Superconducting electronics for radio astronomical observation
TAKATA, Tadafumi Associate Professor Astronomy Data Center Optical and infrared astronomy, Galactic astronomy (Formation and evolution of galaxies and AGN), Astronomical database
TAKIWAKI, Tomoya Associate Professor
(Member of the Graduate Education Committee)
Center for Computational Astrophysics Supernovae, High energy astrophysics
YAMAOKA, Hitoshi Associate Professor Public Relations Center Supernova (theoretical and observational), Data mining observation of space debris
ITO, Takashi Associate Professor
(Senior Lecturer)
Center for Computational Astrophysics Small solar system bodies
OE, Msafumi Associate Professor
(Senior Lecturer)
IT Security Office Information network, Network security, Satellite communication
TAKAHASHI, Ryutaro Associate Professor
(Senior Lecturer)
Gravitational Wave Science Project Detection of gravitational waves
AKUTSU, Tomotada Assistant Professor Gravitational Wave Science Project Gravitational-wave astronomy
ARZOUMANIAN, Doris Assistant Professor Division of Science Physics of the interstellar medium, Formation and evolution of filamentary molecular clouds, Early stages of star formation.
DAINOTTI, Maria Giovanna Assistant Professor Division of Science High energy astrophysics
HAMANA, Takashi Assistant Professor Division of Science Observational cosmology, Astrophysics
HASHIMOTO, Jun Assistant Professor Astrobiology Center
HARADA, Nanase Assistant Professor Division of Science Nearby galaxies, Astrochemistry
HORI, Yasunori Assistant Professor Astrobiology Center Planetary sciences, Exoplanets, Astrobiology
IWASAKI, Kazunari Assistant Professor Center for Computational Astrophysics Astrophysics
KATAOKA, Akimasa Assistant Professor Division of Science Planet formation theory and observation
KAWABATA, Yusuke Assistant Professor SOLAR-C Project Solar physics, Development of solar observational instruments
KUBO, Masahito Assistant Professor SOLAR-C Project Solar physics
LIVINGSTON, John Assistant Professor Astrobiology Center Exoplanets, Transit photometry, Radial velocities, Speckle imaging, Bayesian statistics
MORIYA, Takashi Assistant Professor Division of Science Supernovae
NAGAKURA, Hiroki Assistant Professor Division of Science High-energy astrophysics
NAKAJIMA, Kimihiko Assistant Professor Division of Science Galaxy formation and evolution, Cosmic reionization
NARUKAGE, Noriyuki Assistant Professor Solar Science Observatory Solar physics
OHSAWA, Ryou Assistant Professor JASMINE Project Optical and infrared astronomy, Physics of interstellar medium, Planetary Science
OKAMOTO, Joten Assistant Professor SOLAR-C Project Solar physics
SHIRASAKI, Yuji Assistant Professor Astronomy Data Center High energy astrophysics, cosmic-ray physics, database astronomy
TAKAHASHI, Koh Assistant Professor Division of Science Stellar physics
TATSUMI, Daisuke Assistant Professor JASMINE Project Gravitational-wave astronomy, Precise measurements using laser interferometer
