The Graduate University for Advanced Studies

  1. For Prospective Students
  2. Message from the Chair of the Program

Message from the Chair of the Program

Prof. Takashi Sekii
Chair of Astronomical Science Program, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Director of Graduate Education Office, NAOJ

天文科学コース長 When establishing a vision for humanity's future, it is imperative that we understand 'what kind of world we live in'. It is fair to say that we need to take a truly ‘universal' view when considering our collective future. Astronomy is one of the core means to acquire an understanding of the universe based on scientific methods rather than subjective beliefs and assumptions.

In Astronomical Science Program, of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, students are engaged in astronomical research through theory, observations, or development of new observational instruments. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, with its supercomputers, large cutting-edge instruments, advanced development facilities, and researchers from many diverse fields provides an auspicious setting where many graduate students can study and pursue their own research.

What are your strengths? Are you good at math and physics? Do you enjoy programming? Does actually observing the universe thrill you like nothing else? Do you get excited putting together instruments and apparatuses? If you answer 'yes' to any of these, there is a place here for your activities. Please come and study at Astronomical Science Program.

Takashi Sekii