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Assistant Professor TAKAHASHI, Koh

Research Field

  • Stellar physics


  • Doctor of Science (Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)

Summary of Research

  • When you see the word “star”, what kind of celestial body comes to mind? Indeed, the Sun is one of the stars, but we know that there are many different species of stars in the universe. I am conducting theoretical research on why stars have various characteristics and how these various stars affect the universe.
     One of my major themes is the massive star evolution. I study how massive stars evolve into supernovae, how they synthesize elements during the process, and how they spread the synthesized materials throughout the galaxy, especially in the case of the first stars, which are the first stellar objects formed in the universe. Another theme is to elucidate the effects of stellar magnetic fields and rotation. There are stars with strong magnetic fields and fast rotation, but how these affect the long-term evolution of stars is an unsolved conundrum. I am tackling this mystery by developing a new simulation code that can handle the effects of magnetic fields and rotation and comparing it with state-of-the-art observations.

Research Achievements or Papers

  • Novel Modeling of Magneto-Rotational Stellar Evolution I. Method and  rst applications, K. Takahashi, & N. Langer, 2021, A&A, 646, A19
  • The Low Detection Rate of Pair-instability Supernovae and the Effect of the Core Carbon Fraction, K. Takahashi, 2018, ApJ, 863, 153

Academic Society

  • The Astronomical Society of Japan

Academic Award

  • Research Encouragement Award of the University of Tokyo (2017)

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