Assistant Professor Nishikawa, Jun
Research Field
- High-Contrast Imaging of Exo-Planets,
Stellar Coronagraph,
Wavefront Control,
Optical Interferometry
Brief Introduction of Research
- Direct detection of exo-planets, development of high-contrast imaging techniques, including stellar coronagraphs, interferometer and wavefront control. Indirect detection of earth-like exo-planets with infrared Doppler spectrograph. Developments of new-generation optical telescopes, interferometers and adaptive optics.
Main Research Achievements
K. Yokochi, N. Murakami, J. Nishikawa, L. Abe, M. Tamura, A.V. Tavrov, M. Takeda, and T. Kurokawa, “Speckle noise suppression with unbalanced nulling interferometer in a high-contrast imaging system,” Optics Express, 19(6), 4957-4969 (2011).
J. Nishikawa, L. Abe, N. Murakami, T. Kotani, “Precise Wavefront Correction with an Unbalanced Nulling Interferometer for Exo-Planet Imaging Coronagraphs” Astron. Astrophys. 489, 1389-1398 (2008).
G. Perrin, J. Woillez , O. Lai , J. Guérin, T. Kotani, P.L. Wizinowich, D. Le Mignant, M. Hrynevych, J. Gathright, P. Léna, F. Chaffee, S. Vergnole , L.Delage, F. Reynaud, A.J. Adamson , C. Berthod , B. Brient, C. Collin, J. Crétenet , F. Dauny, C. Deléglise, P. Fédou, T. Goeltzenlichter, O. Guyon , R. Hulin, C. Marlot, M. Marteaud, B.-T. Melse, J. Nishikawa, J.-M. Reess, S.T. Ridgway , F. Rigaut , K. Roth, A.T. Tokunaga , D. Ziegler, “Interferometric coupling of the Keck telescopes with single-mode fibers”, 2006, Science 311, 194-194.
J. Nishikawa, T. Kotani, N. Murakami, N. Baba, Y. Itoh, and M. Tamura, “Combination of nulling interferometer and modified pupil for observations of exo-planets” Astron. Astrophys. 435, 379–384 (2005).
J. Nishikawa, “Status report on Mitaka optical and infrared array (MIRA-1.2),” (2003), Proc. SPIE, Interferometry for Optical Astronomy II, 4838, p.101-107
NISHIKAWA,J., "Estimation of Total Irradiance Variations with the CCD Solar Surface Photometer", Astrophys.J., 359 (No.1), 235-245, 1990 (August).
NISHIKAWA,J. and HIRAYAMA,T., "Facular Structures Derived from Precise Two-Color Contrast Observations", Solar Physics, Vol.127 (No.2), 211-228, 1990 (June).
NISHIKAWA,J.,HAMANA,S.,MIZUGAKI,K.,and HIRAYAMA,T., "Detection of Solar Five-Minute Oscillations through White-Lighit Intensity", Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan Vol.38 (No.2), 277-283, 1986 (June).
Contact us
- jun.nishikawa[at]
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