Planetary mass objects in star forming regions etc.

[Speaker 1]
Suenaga Takuya
D3, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Tomonori Usuda)
Planetary mass objects in star forming regions
A large number of substellar-mass objects isolated in star forming regions are now known, with masses ranging from those of brown dwarfs (BDs) to planetary mass objects (PMOs). Although more massive BDs are being extensively explored, the frequency of PMOs is much less studied except for Orion and a few other regions, and their universality is not established.
I review the studies of PMOs in star forming regions and report the status of our PMO study in the Taurus molecular cloud.

[Speaker 2]
Ryu Tsuguru
M1, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Saeko Hayashi)
the review of R. Galicher et al.(2013)
I present the review of R.Galicher et al.(2013).
Fomalhaut has a candidate planet announced by Kalas et al.(2008).
They found Fomalhaut b in visible range, but a few years later, the object is not detected at 4.5 μm where thermal emission of the planet is expected.
So, a thin dust cloud or swarm of satellites around the planet are proposed for Fomalhaut b.
In this paper, the authors analyzed the Hubble Space Telescope arvhive data and discussed which model is consistent with Fomalhaut b.

The super-critical accretion disk and outflow; an origin of the etc.

[Speaker 1]
Shino Nagisa
D2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Mareki Honma)

[Speaker 2]
Katsuya Hashizume
D1, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Ken Ohsuga)
The super-critical accretion disk and outflow; an origin of the
ULX nebula
The accretion disks around black holes (BHs) are believed to drive
high energy astrophysical phenomena, such as high-energy radiation,
disk winds, and jets of active galactic nuclei and black hole
binaries. However, a central engine of ultra-luminous X-ray sources
(ULXs) is still an enigma. Since the luminosity of the ULXs exceeds
the Eddington luminosity of stellar mass BH (~10M_sun), the standard
disk (sub-Eddington disk) around the black hole of ~< 10Msun cannot explain the ULXs. Hence, two possibilities are suggested; (1) stellar mass BH with super-critical accretion disk of which the luminosity is larger than Eddington luminosity (2) standard disk around intermediate mass BH (IMBH) of > 100Msun.
Recently, multi-wavelength observations revealed that some of ULXs are
surrounded by nebulae (ULX nebulae). The origin of the nebulae has not
been understood yet, though it might be a key phenomenon to resolve
the central engine of the ULXs. Here, we investigate super-critical
accretion disk around stellar mass BH by two-dimensional
radiation-hydrodynamics simulations. We confirmed that super-critical
accretion disk drives strong outflows with large opening-angle (20-85
degree). The kinetic energy of the outflows is roughly consistent with
the luminosity injected into ULX nebulae, implying that our results
support the scenario of the stellar mass BHs with super-critical
accretion disks.

The super-critical accretion disk and outflow; an origin of the etc.

[Speaker 1]
Shino Nagisa
D2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Mareki Honma)

[Speaker 2]
Katsuya Hashizume
D1, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Ken Ohsuga)
The super-critical accretion disk and outflow; an origin of the
ULX nebula
The accretion disks around black holes (BHs) are believed to drive
high energy astrophysical phenomena, such as high-energy radiation,
disk winds, and jets of active galactic nuclei and black hole
binaries. However, a central engine of ultra-luminous X-ray sources
(ULXs) is still an enigma. Since the luminosity of the ULXs exceeds
the Eddington luminosity of stellar mass BH (~10M_sun), the standard
disk (sub-Eddington disk) around the black hole of ~< 10Msun cannot explain the ULXs. Hence, two possibilities are suggested; (1) stellar mass BH with super-critical accretion disk of which the luminosity is larger than Eddington luminosity (2) standard disk around intermediate mass BH (IMBH) of > 100Msun.
Recently, multi-wavelength observations revealed that some of ULXs are
surrounded by nebulae (ULX nebulae). The origin of the nebulae has not
been understood yet, though it might be a key phenomenon to resolve
the central engine of the ULXs. Here, we investigate super-critical
accretion disk around stellar mass BH by two-dimensional
radiation-hydrodynamics simulations. We confirmed that super-critical
accretion disk drives strong outflows with large opening-angle (20-85
degree). The kinetic energy of the outflows is roughly consistent with
the luminosity injected into ULX nebulae, implying that our results
support the scenario of the stellar mass BHs with super-critical
accretion disks.

Exploring the Early Universe with High-z Quasars. etc.

[Speaker 1]
masafusa Onoue
M1, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Nobunari Kashikawa)
Exploring the Early Universe with High-z Quasars.

[Speaker 2]
Ryosuke Nagasawa
M1, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Hideo Hanada)
Review of Lunar Science with Lunar Laser Ranging

[Speaker 3]
Gabriel Giono
D1, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Yoshinori Suematsu)
An introduction to CLASP

Time evolution of X-ray jet’s velocity

[Speaker 1]
Nobuharu Sako
Time evolution of X-ray jet’s velocity
An X-ray jet is a kind of flares in the Sun. The model of X-ray jets based on magnetic reconnection (Shibata et al. 1992) predicts that two flows with the different velocities are included in one X-ray jet. The velocity of one flow roughly equals to Alfven velocity (~1000 km/s), and the flow is accelerated by the magnetic force. The other one is
accelerated by the pressure gradient and its velocity is similar to the sound velocity (~200 km/s). However, the observational results (e.g. Shimojo et al. 2000) before the Hinode era show that the velocities of most X-ray jets are slower than the sound velocity.
Because the X-ray telescope (XRT) aboard the Hinode satellite has capability to observe the corona with the high temporal (< 1 min) and high spatial (~ 1 arcsec) resolutions, the XRT data revealed that an X-ray jet includes two components with the different velocities (Cirtain et al. 2007). The properties of the components have some differences from the model. For example, the components are not observed simultaneously. One component with sound velocity continues to appear until the peak time of the X-ray jet. The other one with Alfven velocity appear transiently. There is only one report using four X-ray jets by Cirtain et al. (2007) and their result does not show the time evolution of the velocity in X-ray jets, yet. In order to reveal the evolution of the X-ray jet's velocity, and investigate how the high velocity component occurs transiently in an X-ray jet, we detected 13 polar X-ray jets from the coronal data observed with XRT and investigated the time evolution of the velocity of the X-ray jets. The result shows that it is common that an X-ray jet includes the plural components with the different velocities. However, we could detect component with Alfven velocity in only three of the 13 events. In the talk, I introduce our data analysis and show the details of our result.