年別アーカイブ: 2016年

Science cases based on narrow-band data with HSC-SSP / AGN feedback to neighbouring galaxy formation

[Speaker 1]
Rhythm Shimakawa, D3, SOKENDAI (supervisor : Tadayuki Kodama)
Science cases based on narrow-band data with HSC-SSP
In this talk, I will describe how to find distant galaxies up to z~1.7 by capturing the unique spectral features by narrow-band filters based on the HSC-SSP data. I will then present some actual examples of narrow-band selected galaxies (Hα, [OIII], [OII] emitters) and Balmer break galaxies at 0.4

Direct imaging observations of intermediate mass giants with RV trends II / Correlation between protoclusters and QSOs using HSC

Tsuguru Ryu, D2, SOKENDAI (supervisor : Saeko Hayashi)
Direct imaging observations of intermediate mass giants with RV trends II

Hisakazu Uchiyama, D2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor : Nobunari Kashikawa)
Correlation between protoclusters and QSOs using HSC

総研大・国立天文台 スプリングスクール2016




Radiation-MHD Simulation of Clumpy Outflow from Supercritical Accretion Flow; M1 closure scheme / Installing a Central Flat Field Lamp for HSC

[Speaker 1]
Hiroshi KOBAYASHI, D2, SOKENDAI (supervisor: Ken Ohsuga)
Radiation-MHD Simulation of Clumpy Outflow from Supercritical Accretion Flow; M1 closure scheme

[Speaker 2]
Jun-ya SAKURAI, D2, SOKENDAI (supervisor: Satoshi Miyazaki)
Installing a Central Flat Field Lamp for HSC