Gravitational wave sensitivity enhancement via quantum noise reduction / Review of star formation, gas inflow and outflow from chemical evolution

[Speaker 1]
Zhao Yuhang, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Raffaele Flaminio,Matteo Leonardi,)
Gravitational wave sensitivity enhancement via quantum noise reduction

[Speaker 2]
Nao Fukagawa, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Prof. Tadayuki Kodama,,)
Review of star formation, gas inflow and outflow from chemical evolution

Chemistry of Cyanopolyynes in the G28.28-0.36 Hot Core / Investigation of M87 jets with East Asian VLBI Network

[Speaker 1]
Kotomi Taniguchi, SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)(Supervisor: Masao Saito)
Chemistry of Cyanopolyynes in the G28.28-0.36 Hot Core
We carried out observations of long cyanopolyynes (HC5N and HC7N) using the Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope, the Green Bank 100 m telescope, and the Very Large Array. Long cyanopolyynes have been thought to be deficient in hot cores, around the massive young stellar objects, so far. However, we found out that the G28.28-0.36 hot core is rich in long cyanopolyynes, suggesting the chemical diversity at the hot core stage. These are the first observational results showing that cyanopolyynes are formed in hot cores.

[Speaker 2]
Yuzhu Cui, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Mareki Honma,,)
Investigation of M87 jets with East Asian VLBI Network

Near-Infrared High-Resolution Polarimetry Observations towards Protoplanetary Disks in Binary/Multiple Systems / The VLMO search in the Taurus molecular cloud

[Speaker 1]
Yi Yang, SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)(Supervisor: Saeko Hayashi)
Near-Infrared High-Resolution Polarimetry Observations towards Protoplanetary Disks in Binary/Multiple Systems

[Speaker 2]
Haruka baba, SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)(Supervisor: 田村元秀,青木和光,臼田知史,小谷隆行)
The VLMO search in the Taurus molecular cloud

The star-formation activity of galaxies in clusters from HSC-HSC / ALMA observation of 12CO/13CO(3-2) molecular gas in merging ULIRGs

Moegi Yamamoto, SOKENDAI D2 (Supervisor : Tadayuki Kodama, Ikuru Iwata, Yuichi Matsuda)
The star-formation activity of galaxies in clusters from HSC-HSC

Misaki Ando, SOKENDAI: D1 (Supervisor : Daisuke Iono, Masao Saito, Daniel Espada)
ALMA observation of 12CO/13CO(3-2) molecular gas in merging ULIRGs

Submillimeter recombination lines in the merging galaxy NGC3256 / Asteroseismic modeling of KIC11145123

[Speaker 1]
Tomonari Michiyama, SOKENDAI 4th: (Supervisor : Daisuke Iono, Kouichiro Nakanishi, Masatoshi Imanishi)
Submillimeter recombination lines in the merging galaxy NGC3256

Yoshiki Hatta, SOKENDAI: 2 (Supervisor : Takashi Sekii , Tetsuya Watanabe, Yukio Katsukawa)
Asteroseismic modeling of KIC11145123