The double-ridge problem: current status and issues / Control of 13.5-meter-tall Suspension system for Main Mirrors in KAGRA

[Speaker 1]
Nagaaki Kambara, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Takashi Sekii,Tetsuya Watanabe,Masahito Kubo)
The double-ridge problem: current status and issues

[Speaker 2]
Koki Okutomi, SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)(Supervisor: Yoichi Aso,Raffaele Flaminio,Ryutaro Takahashi)
Control of 13.5-meter-tall Suspension system for Main Mirrors in KAGRA

An overview of AO188+ SCExAO Wavefront Control Architecture / The environmental Impacts on Mass-Metallicity Relation in Rich Cluster at z~1.52

[Speaker 1]
Ananya Sahoo, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Yosuke Minowa,Takayuki Kotani,Naruhisa Takato)
An overview of AO188+ SCExAO Wavefront Control Architecture

[Speaker 2]
Shigeru Namiki, SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)(Supervisor: Nobunari Kashikawa,Yusei Koyama,Ikuru Iwata)
The environmental Impacts on Mass-Metallicity Relation in Rich Cluster at z~1.52

Chemically-old stars with young age estimates / 電波銀河の形成過程の解明

Tadafumi Matsuno, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Wako Aoki,Takuji Tsujimoto,Yutaka Komiyama)
Chemically-old stars with young age estimates
The combination of a large spectroscopic survey and asteroseismology has discovered a peculiar stellar population in the Galactic disk: they are estimated to be young from their masses but has similar alpha-elements abundances to old stars. Since their existence is not predicted in simple galactic chemical evolution models, the origin is yet to be explained. We obtained high-quality high-resolution optical spectra for 14 of such stars. In addition to the confirmation of their alpha-enhancements, we show that they follow the typical abundance pattern of old stars in almost all the measured elements. Together with the high frequency of radial velocity variation, we suggest they are results of stellar merger or mass transfer from red giants.

Takafumi Tsukui, SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)(Supervisor: 井口聖,永井洋,松田有一)
Please note that the presenter information posted here is not necessarily listed in order of presentation.

Resolved magnetic-field structure and variability near the event horizon of Sgr A* / Dynamics of jets/outflows from high-mass young stellar objects revealed by KaVA and ALMA observations / Lyman Alpha Imaging around a Hyperluminous QSO at z=2.84

Shuichiro Tsuda, SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)(Supervisor: 本間希樹,秦和弘,柴田克典)
Resolved magnetic-field structure and variability near the event horizon of Sgr A*

Jungha Kim, SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)(Supervisor: 本間希樹,廣田智也,柴田克典)
Dynamics of jets/outflows from high-mass young stellar objects revealed by KaVA and ALMA observations

Satoshi Kikuta, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Masatoshi Imanishi,Yuichi Matsuda,Yutaka Komiyama)
Lyman Alpha Imaging around a Hyperluminous QSO at z=2.84
Ly-alpha imaging is a powerful technique to study galaxy formation at high-redshift by detecting redshifted Ly-alpha emission line with narrowband filters. I present the latest results of our Ly-alpha imaging around a hyperluminous QSO at z=2.84, namely HS1549+1919, with HSC/Subaru. We have detected >3400 LAEs within 36 arcmin from the QSO (i.e., ~1.1 deg^2 FoV). The QSO is found to reside in the center of massive overdensity of LAEs which is embedded within a large scale (~100 cMpc) structure of LAEs. We have also detected a gigantic Ly-alpha nebula around the QSO as well as many Ly-alpha blobs. The nebula is the largest and the most luminous to date and has a peculiar morphology: bubble-like structure extending several hundred kpc. After sharing the current status I present our future plans to further reveal galaxy formation in this rich environment. Your comments and suggestions are very welcome.