2019 国立天文台特別公開講座・総合研究大学院入試ガイダンス


 特別公開講座では、国立天文台における天文学の最前線を中心に、青木 和光 准教授、竝木 則行 教授、石川 遼子 助教の3名の先生方から、それぞれの分野の研究をご講演いただきました。今年度は、宇宙探査やロケット実験等の最新の観測結果のご紹介があり、天文学における最先端技術について大変興味深いご講演をいただきました。講演後には、参加者から多くの質問も出て、天文学に対する大変熱心な姿勢に関心しました。

宇宙の初代星と銀河系形成~すばるとTMTの挑戦 (青木 和光 准教授)
「はやぶさ2」に見る小天体の姿  (竝木 則行 教授)
宇宙からみつめる -見えてきた新しい太陽の姿 (石川 遼子 助教)

第二部の総合研究大学院大学入試ガイダンスでは、副専攻長・教育委員長の関井 隆 准教授から総研大の入試についてご説明をいただき、富阪 幸治 教授から入試出題傾向についてご説明をいただきました。その後、在学生の竹村 英晃さんから総研大生の生活についてお話をお伺いました。


総研大入試ガイダンス (関井 隆 准教授)
入試出題傾向の解説 (富阪 幸治 教授)


懇談会 (その1)
懇談会 (その2)
懇談会 (その3)


文責:政井 崇帆(総合研究大学院大学 物理科学研究科 天文科学専攻)


Protoclusters at z~4 found by Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program and their UV-brightest galaxies / Correlation between galaxy and intergalactic gas at z=2.2 mapped by Subaru/HSC


Kei Ito,
SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Masayuki Tanaka, Yuichi Matsuda, Yusei Koyama)


Protoclusters at z~4 found by Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program and their UV-brightest galaxies


Yongming Liang,
SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)
(Supervisor: Masayuki Tanaka, Yuichi Matsuda, Yutaka Komiyama)


Correlation between galaxy and intergalactic gas at z=2.2 mapped by Subaru/HSC

Linear Polarization in Lyman-α Solar Spicules Observed by CLASP / Recent gravitational waves detection and my progress of filter cavity experiment


Masaki Yoshida,
SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Yoshinori Suematsu, Hirohisa Hara, Ryohko Ishikawa)


Linear Polarization in Lyman-α Solar Spicules Observed by CLASP


Yuhang Zhao,
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Matteo Leonardi, Raffaele Flaminio, Ryutaro Takahashi)


Recent gravitational waves detection and my progress of filter cavity experiment

Halo stars with asteroseismology and with high-resolution spectroscopy / Inflow and outflow parameters of nearby galaxies revealed by SDSS and ALFALFA


Tadafumi Matsuno,
SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Aoki Wako, Tsujimoto Takuji, Komiyama Yutaka)


Halo stars with asteroseismology and with high-resolution spectroscopy


The long-term high-precision photometric observation by the Kepler mission has enabled us to infer stellar masses of a large number of red giants through stellar oscillation frequencies. The masses can easily be converted to stellar ages, which is one of the fundamental parameters of stars in the context of the Galactic archaeology. Although this approach has been applied to stars belonging to the Galactic disk, application to halo stars has been limited. Here we have identified 26 halo stars in the field that Kepler has observed for four years and conducted high-resolution spectroscopy for them. We refined stellar parameter estimates from the high-resolution spectra through a line-by-line differential analysis and measured detailed chemical abundances. In the talk, I will report the recent progress of this project.


Shigeru Namiki,
SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Yusei Koyama, Masato Onodera, Masayuki Tanaka)


Inflow and outflow parameters of nearby galaxies revealed by SDSS and ALFALFA


It is well known that galaxy inflow and outflow play important roles in shaping the history of galaxy evolution. However, any existing telescopes or instruments cannot directly constrain these processes in the distant universe. We here attempt to study the inflow and outflow properties of galaxies by adopting a simple model and by exploiting key observational properties (stellar mass, gas fraction, and metallicity, i.e. “integrated” properties of star formation in the past). We used 3441 local galaxies from the cross-matched SDSS-ALFALFA samples. These galaxies are divided into 24 subsamples by their stellar mass and the offsets from the star-forming main sequence (ΔMS). We fit the galaxies in each subsample (hence at fixed stellar mass and SFR) with the ’leaky-box’ model and obtain their inflow and outflow parameters. We find that, while both inflow and outflow parameters depend on ?MS, only inflow parameters show a trend with stellar mass. In my poster, I will discuss the interpretation of our results in the context of the geometry of star formation within the galaxies as well as the shape of the gravitational potential well of the galaxies (the distribution of baryon and dark matter).