Tensile Strength of Porous Dust Aggregates/Review of High-Resolution Near-IR Spectroscopy of M-dwarfs with CARMENES

[Speaker 1]
Misako Tatsuuma,
University of Tokyo D1
(Supervisor: Eiichiro Kokubo)

[Title 1]
Tensile Strength of Porous Dust Aggregates

[Speaker 2]
Hiroyuki Tako ISHIKAWA,
SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Tomonori Usuda,Saeko Hayashi,Takayuki Kotani)

[Title 2]
Review of High-Resolution Near-IR Spectroscopy of M-dwarfs with CARMENES

[Abstract 2]
I am now attempting to establish the abundance analysis of late-M dwarfs by using Subaru-IRD data. In Europe, the CARMENES group also performs the high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy on M dwarfs in search of exoplanets. In this talk, I will review the papers written by the CARMENES group, especially those related to the stellar characterization (mainly, V. M. Passegger et al. 2018, A&A).
Please note that the presenter information posted here is not necessarily listed in order of presentation.