SOKENDAI Colloquium (2023.6.14)

Speaker1 : Chanoul Seo
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Yuka Fujii, Masahiro Ikoma, Hideko Nomura)
Title: Two affecting mechanisms on atmospheric carbon of super-Earth

Speaker2 : Shun Hatano
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)
(Supervisor: Masami Ouchi, Takashi Moriya, Yusei Koyama)
Title: Near-infrared variability found in the extremely metal-poor dwarf galaxy SBS 0335-052E

Speaker3 : Yuta Tashima
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Mami Machida, Fumitaka Nakamura, Tomoya Takiwaki)
Title: A review of the study of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies