The nature and structure of the stellar halo of the Andromeda galaxy using Subaru/HSC NB515 / Study of High-Energy Phenomena in the Solar Corona Tackled with X-ray Imaging-Spectroscopy

Itsuki Ogami
SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Wako Aoki, Hisanori Furusawa, Miho Ishigaki)
The nature and structure of the stellar halo of the Andromeda galaxy using Subaru/HSC NB515

Yoshiaki Sato
SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)
(Supervisor: Takashi Sekii, Noriyuki Narukage, Masumi Shimojo)
Study of High-Energy Phenomena in the Solar Corona Tackled with X-ray Imaging-Spectroscopy