Study on the Debris Disk of an M-type star, AU Mic, by Fast PDI mode of Subaru Telescope / A new measurement method of isotopologue ratios in protoplanetary disks: a case study of the 12CO/13CO ratio in the TW Hya disk

Shiori Koshisaka
SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)
(Supervisor: Takayuki Kotani, Misato Fukagawa, Yasunori Hori)
Study on the Debris Disk of an M-type star, AU Mic, by Fast PDI mode of Subaru Telescope

Tomohiro Yoshida
SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)
(Supervisor: Hideko Nomura, Misato Fukagawa, Akimasa Kataoka)
A new measurement method of isotopologue ratios in protoplanetary disks: a case study of the 12CO/13CO ratio in the TW Hya disk