
July 22 Mon 13:00-15:00
SOKENDAI Doctoral Thesis Defense / 総研大博士学位論文審査会
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

July 23 Tue 10:00-11:30
太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)

July 23 Tue 13:00-15:00
SOKENDAI Doctoral Thesis Defense / 総研大博士学位論文審査会
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

July 24 Wed 10:00-12:00
SOKENDAI Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

July 24 Wed 15:30-16:30
NAOJ Science Colloquium


=============== July 22 Mon===============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Doctoral Thesis Defense
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Sporadic
Date:Monday, July 22
Time:13:00-13:40 Presentation
    13:40-14:00 Q&A
    14:00-15:00 Judging (Not open to public)
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom
Speaker:Kiyoaki Doi
Title:Constraining Physical Properties of Protoplanetary Disks from Spatial Distributions of Dust Millimeter Continuum Observations
Examiner:Ken’ichi Tatematsu, Tomoya Hirota, Kazunari Iwasaki, Hidekazu Tanaka(Tohoku University), Munetake Momose(Ibaraki University)
Facilitator:Nozomu Tominaga, Graduate Student Affairs Unit

=============== July 23 Tue===============

セミナー名:太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)
日時: 7月 23日(火曜日)10時00分~11時30分
タイトル: 光度曲線で探る彗星の現在・過去・未来
彗星の光度曲線(800枚)を描いて、その特徴を分類してみた。 ある光度曲線グループにあのC/2023 A3が属していた。 このグループの光度曲線を再現するH2O/CO2のガス生成率の数値計算モデルを作った。



===============July 23 Tue==============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Doctoral Thesis Defense
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic: Sporadic
Date:Tuesday, July 23
Time:13:00-13:40 Presentation
    13:40-14:00 Q&A
    14:00-15:00 Judging (Not open to public)
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom
Speaker:Nao Fukagawa
Title:Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies
Examiner:Nozomu Tominaga, Sakurako Okamoto, Miho Ishigaki, Masashi Chiba(Tohoku University), Satoshi Honda(Hyogo University)
Facilitator:Nozomu Tominaga, Graduate Student Affairs Unit

===============July 24 Wed==============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Scheduled
Date and time:July 24 10:00-12:00
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

Speaker:Ainun Azhari
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1) (Supervisor:Wako Aoki, Miho Ishigaki)
Title:The Study of [Th/Eu] in Disk Stars

Speaker:Gabriel Teixeira Guimarães
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1) (Supervisor:Eiichiro Kokubo, Hideko Nomura, Kazunari Iwasaki)
Title:Theoretical study of planetary dynamics

Speaker:Masato Sato
Affiliation:Not entered
Title:Not entered

-Name:Yoshiaki Sato

Comment:Language: English

===============July 24 Wed==============

Seminar: NAOJ Science Colloquium
Date and time: 2024 July 24 (Wed.), 15:30-16:30 JST
Place: Zoom

Speaker: Takanobu Kirihara
Affiliation: Kitami Institute of Technology
Title: Galaxy evolution with galaxy mergers
In the framework of hierarchical structure formation based on
cold dark matter, galaxies like the Milky Way grow up through
numerous interactions and mergers of many less massive galaxies.
These signatures are mainly imprinted in the halo region.
In recent years, the Gaia project and the Subaru HSC survey have
revealed many tidal remnants in the haloes of the Milky Way and
Andromeda galaxy, respectively. In this talk, I will provide an overview of
the halo formation process revealed by a combination of observations
and numerical simulations, referring to recent observational progress.
I also focus on the interaction between massive galaxies. I will introduce
the relationship between AGN activity, galaxy density, and interaction of
galaxies based on our recent observations and numerical simulations.

-Name: Haruka Kusakabe

Comment: English