
November  14 Tue 10:00-11:30 太陽系小天体セミナー zoom              

November  15 Wed 10:30-12:00 SOKENDAI Colloquium Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom   

November 15 Wed 14:30-15:30 ALMA-J seminar Small seminar room in Subaru building (院生セミナー室) / Zoom (hybrid)

November 15 Wed 15:30-16:30 NAOJ Science Colloquium Zoom (full virtual style)


=============== November  14 Tue ===============



=============== November  15 Wed===============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Regular
Date and time:November 15, 2023 10:30-12:00
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

Speaker: Yoshihiro Naito
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2) (Supervisor: Hirohisa Hara. Ryoko Ishikawa, Joten Okamoto)
Title: Spectroscopic study of Alfvén waves in the upper chromosphere as an energy source of solar wind acceleration in coronal holes

Speaker: Yoshiaki Sato
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2) (Supervisor: Noriyuki Narukage, Takashi Sekii, Masumi Shimojo)
Title: Evaluation of electron acceleration efficiency during solar flares using MHD+GCA Test-Particle simulation

-Name:Matsuda, Graduate Student Affairs Unit

=============== November 15 Wed==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: ALMA-J seminar
Date and time: Nov 15th (Wed) 14:30-15:30
Place: Small seminar room in Subaru building (院生セミナー室) / Zoom (hybrid)
Speaker: Mengyuan Xiao
Affiliation: University of Geneva
Title: A new era of studying extremely dust-obscured massive galaxies in the early Universe with JWST and ALMA
Recent studies have unveiled the existence of extremely dust-obscured massive galaxies at z>3 and into the reionization epoch. This has significant implications for our understanding of early galaxy build-up and the cosmic star formation history. In this talk, I will discuss our recent findings on these galaxies with JWST FRESCO survey and GOODS-ALMA survey. In particular, I will present the advantages of JWST/spectroscopy in studying these galaxies. Based on the unprecedented imaging and spectroscopic data from the JWST FRESCO survey, we can systematically determine their spectroscopic redshifts, thus vastly improving constraints on their physical properties. In addition, I will show several extremely massive dusty galaxies at zspec > 5, that may challenge the current galaxy assembly models. I will discuss their ultra-massive properties, dust-obscured star formation rates, and the possibility of the existence of AGN. I will finish with some of our other recent discoveries and future plans for extremely dust-obscured massive galaxies.

Organizers: Gianni Cataldi , Hiroshi Nagai

=============== November 15 Wed==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: NAOJ Science Colloquium
Date and time: 2023 Nov. 15 (Wed.), 15:30-16:30
Place: Zoom (full virtual style)

Speaker: Aya Bamba
Affiliation: The University of Tokyo
Title: X-ray study of supernova remnants, the origin of diversity in the universe

  • 多様性の源: 超新星残骸のX線研究 –
    Supernova remnants (SNRs) supply thermal and kinetic energy, heavy elements, and high energy particles (cosmic rays) into the space, so they are the origin of diversity of the universe. Shocked plasma is heated up to 1-10 MK, and emits thermal X-rays with characteristic X-ray lines from heavy elements, thus X-ray observations are an ideal tool how SNRs play their role in the universe. In this talk, I will introduce several recent topics of SNR science – progenitor science and shock physics.
    Such a study needs excellent energy resolution in the X-ray band in order to resolve emission lines from minor elements and their Doppler motion. On this September, we succeeded to launch XRISM with H2A rocket.
    I also introduce how XRISM is launched and what XRISM will achieve on SNR science.

-Name: Hiroki Nagakura
Comment: English