
August 15  Tue  15:00-16:00   Tea Talk     Zoom / 中央棟北ロビー (hybrid)  


=============== August 15 Tue===============

キャンパス:三鷹 野辺山 水沢 岡山 ハワイ
セミナー名:Tea Talk
場所:Zoom / 中央棟北ロビー (hybrid)

講演者:Vanessa Moss
Title:Lessons learned from the future of meetings for a better today Looking to the future
Lessons learned from the future of meetings for a better today Looking to the future can tell us a lot about the limitations of today. “The Future of Meetings” (TFOM) began as a symposium dedicated to exploring the future of interaction in 2020, framed around key themes of accessibility, inclusivity, sustainability and technology and with its roots in the astronomy community. Throughout our work in TFOM, it has been clear that the standard meeting practices taken for granted as a given in astronomy (and science) have long been inaccessible to many, creating a “normal” that is both exclusive and unsustainable. Conversely, the rapid advances in effective online means of communicating and collaborating open up a wealth of new possibilities for redefining what is required to succeed in astronomy, from the ground up. In this talk, I will outline the lessons learned from and core recommendations of TFOM, based on our ongoing work as an active community of practice. In the wake of pandemic disruption, we have a unique chance to rewrite the fabric of collaboration within our field and beyond, in order to design a better normal for today, tomorrow and the future. By doing so, we can set a leading example for science, academia and society as a whole, maximising inclusivity while minimising environmental harm at a critical turning point for our long term survival as a species.

Dr Vanessa Moss is a radio astronomer based at CSIRO Space & Astronomy in Australia. In her position at CSIRO, she is Head of Science Operations for the groundbreaking ASKAP telescope in remote Western Australia, managing astronomical observations from specification to the arrival of the data at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. In her research, she has studied cosmic phenomena across the universe, from the hidden structure of the Milky Way halo to dense gas casting shadows against distant black holes, and is a core member of FLASH (First Large Absorption Survey in HI).

-名前: Blumenthal Kelly


August 8 Tue  10:00-11:00    SOKENDAI Doctoral Thesis Preliminary  Evaluation         Zoom / Lecture Room (hybrid)

August 9 Wed   15:30-16:30  NAOJ Science Colloquium   

Zoom / Large Seminar Room (hybrid)                   


=============== August 8 Tue===============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Doctoral Thesis Preliminary Evaluation 総研大博士学位論文予備審査会
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Sporadic
Date and time:August 8, 2023, 10:00~11:00
Place:Lecture Room and Zoom

Speaker:Nao Fukagawa
Title:Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies

-Name:Hideyuki Kobayashi

:Natsuko Fujii (Graduate Student Affairs Unit)

=============== August 9 Wed===============

Seminar:NAOJ Science Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Every Wednesday
Date and time:2023 Aug. 9, 15:30-16:30
Place:Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)

Speaker:Lars Bonne
Affiliation:SOFIA Science Center, USRA, NASA Ames
Title:The assembly and dispersal of dense gas in star forming regions
First, I will present work analyzing multiple spectral lines toward
low- and high-mass star forming regions. The study employs archival HI
data, CO observations from the NANTEN2, APEX, and IRAM 30m
observatories, and [CII] observations with the SOFIA telescope. In these
regions we demonstrated the presence of recurring organized velocity
fields, also found by other authors, which suggests that star formation
is initiated by the same mechanism. Namely, magnetic field bending in
high-velocity (>7 km/s) colliding flows. This appears to be consistent
with magnetic field observations in several nearby clouds, which
suggests that the proposed scenario might be widespread and explain both
low- and high-mass star formation.
In the second part, I will present observations of the [CII] spectral
line by the FEEDBACK legacy program toward ~10 ionized (HII) regions
surrounding massive O stars. [CII] is the main coolant of the neutral
ISM in photodissociation regions (PDRs) and thus an excellent probe to
study the effect of stellar feedback on the host molecular cloud. The
[CII] emission reveals previously undetected high-velocity gas (10-20
km/s) in all regions. This high-velocity gas is the result of expanding
bubbles and continuous mass ejection in flattened molecular clouds. The
detection of this high-velocity gas has reignited the discussion whether
radiation or stellar winds drive molecular dispersal. Quantifying the
mass ejection rates also allows us to make a direct estimate of
molecular cloud dispersal timescales which consistently points to a few
(< 5) Myr. This provides direct observational evidence that molecular
cloud are transient structures and not in quasi-static equilibrium.

-Name:Doris Arzoumanian


June  27  Tue  10:00-11:30      太陽系小天体セミナー   

Zoom /  南棟2階会議室 (hybrid) 

june  28 Wed    10:30-12:00    SOKENDAI Colloquium   

Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)

June  28  Wed  13:30-15:00     Solar and Space Plasma Seminar Zoom / Insei Seminar Room (hybrid)

June  28  Wed  14:30-15:30     ALMA-J seminar      

Zoom / ALMA building #102 (hybrid)

June  28  Wed  15:30-16:30     NAOJ Science Colloquium  

Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)

June  30  Fri   12:00-13:00,13:30-14:30    Tea Talk     

Zoom / Large Seminar Room (hybrid)


“2023.6.26-2023.7.2” の続きを読む


June  20  Tue  10:20-16:30      博士後期課程中間報告会 Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid) 

june  21 Wed    10:30-12:00    SOKENDAI Colloquium   Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)

June  21  Wed  14:30-15:30     ALMA-J seminar   Zoom / ALMA building #102 (hybrid)

June  21  Wed  15:30-17:00     NAOJ Science Colloquium   Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid) 


“2023.6.19-2023.6.25” の続きを読む


June  7  Wed  10:30-12:00    SOKENDAI Colloquium   Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)    

June 7 Wed    11:00-12:00     Tea Talk         Zoom / conference room #2 (hybrid)        

June  7  Wed   13:30-15:00    Solar and Space Plasma Seminar  Zoom / the Insei seminar room (hybrid)

June  7  Wed  14:30-15:30    ALMA-J seminar     Zoom / ALMA building #102 (hybrid)    

June  7  Wed  15:30-17:00     NAOJ Science Colloquium   Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid) 


“2023.6.5-2023.6.11” の続きを読む