Installation and Control of The Mirror Suspension System for KAGRA / Chronicle of Dark Matter Evolution at High-Redshift Universe / Software development for precise determination of lunar orbit and rotation using Lunar Laser Ranging data analysis

[Speaker 1]
Koki OKUTOMI, D1, SOKENDAI( supervisor: Yoichi ASO, Raffaele FLAMINIO, Tomotada AKUTSU )
Installation and Control of The Mirror Suspension System for KAGRA

[Speaker 2]
Shogo ISHIKAWA, D2, SOKENDAI( supervisor: Nobunari Kashikawa )
Chronicle of Dark Matter Evolution at High-Redshift Universe

[Speaker 3]
Ryosuke NAGASAWA, D1, SOKENDAI( supervisor: Hideo Hanada )
Software development for precise determination of lunar orbit and rotation using Lunar Laser Ranging data analysis

The 12CO and 13CO Distribution in Merging Starburst Galaxy NGC 1614 / Estimating a coronal magnetic field in flaring active region using a NLFFF(NonLinear Force-Free Field)

[Speaker 1]
Misaki Ando , M1, SOKENDAI(supervisor: Daisuke IONO, Masao SAITO, Daniel ESPADA)
The 12CO and 13CO Distribution in Merging Starburst Galaxy NGC 1614

[Speaker 2]
Masaki Yoshida , M1, SOKENDAI(supervisor: Suematsu Yoshinori)
Estimating a coronal magnetic field in flaring active region using a NLFFF(NonLinear Force-Free Field)