SOKENDAI Colloquium (2024.5.22)

Speaker1: Kiyoaki Doi
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor:Akimasa Kataoka,Hideko Nomura,Misato Fukagawa)
Title: ALMA Band 3 observations of the protoplanetary disk around PDS 70

Speaker2: Miho Tan
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 2th year (M2)
(Supervisor:Mami Machida,Tomoya Takiwaki,Kazunari Iwasaki)
Title: Effect of companion star wind in the jet propagation from X-ray binary

SOKENDAI Colloquium (2024.5.8)

Speaker1:Ryota Ikeda
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor:Daisuke Iono,Masayuki Tanaka,Takuma Izumi)
Title: Resolving Luminous Submillimeter Galaxies

Speaker2:Ryota Ichimura
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor:Hideko Nomura,Akimasa Kataoka,Nanase Harada)
Title: The impact of Cosmic Rays on Carbon Isotope Fractionation of COMs in Star-Forming Cores

SOKENDAI Colloquium (2024.5.1)

Speaker1:Moka Nishigaki
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor:Wako Aoki,Hisanori Furusawa,Miho Ishigaki)
Title: Resolving the Multiphase Chemical Evolution and Enrichment of Galaxies Across Cosmic Time

Speaker2:Shubham Bhardwaj
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor:Masami Ouchi,Yusei Koyama,Takashi Moriya)
Title: GRB Closure Relationship in Multi-wavelength

SOKENDAI Colloquium (2024.4.24)

Speaker1:Itsuki Ogami
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor:Wako Aoki,Hisanori Furusawa,Miho Ishigaki)
Title: The Nature of the Stellar Halo in the Triangulum Galaxy

Speaker2:Shun Hatano
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor:Masami Ouchi,Yusei Koyama,Takashi Moriya)
Title: Near-infrared variability of ultra/luminous infrared galaxies