年別アーカイブ: 2022年

Dust growth and drift simulations for the ALMA observations of the protoplanetary disk around HD163296 / Development of REACH Wavelength Range Extension: for Detecting Exoplanet Atmospheres

Kiyoaki Doi
SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)
(Supervisor: Akimasa Kataoka, Hideko Nomura, Misato Fukagawa)
Dust growth and drift simulations for the ALMA observations of the protoplanetary disk around HD163296

Ko Hosokawa
SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Takayuki Kotani, Yosuke Minowa, Yuka Fujii)
Development of REACH Wavelength Range Extension: for Detecting Exoplanet Atmospheres