
Multi-color simultaneous observations of the transiting hot Jupiter candidate / 13C isotopic fractionation of HC3N in star forming regions

[Speaker 1]
Shogo Ishikawa, D3, SOKENDAI (Supervisor: Nobunari Kashikawa)

[Speaker 2] 
Masahiro Onitsuka, D3, SOKENDAI(supervisor: Tomonori Usuda)
Multi-color simultaneous observations of the transiting hot Jupiter candidate

Kotomi Taniguchi, D2, SOKENDAI (Supervisor; Masao Saito)
13C isotopic fractionation of HC3N in star forming regions
I will talk about observations with the Nobeyama 45-m telescope during this observational season. We investigate 13C isotopic fractionation of HC3N and discuss its main formation mechanisms in L1527 and G28.28-0.36.

Chemical Composition in a Merging Galaxy NGC3256 ~ALMA new results~ / Physical Conditions of Molecular Gas in Merging Starburst Galaxy NGC 1614

[Speaker 1]
Tomonori Michiyama, D1, SOKENDAI (Supervisor;Daisuke Iono)
Chemical Composition in a Merging Galaxy NGC3256 ~ALMA new results~
NGC3256 is late stage merging galaxy and SB/AGN activity is considered to strongly impact the chemical and physical properties of ISM. Chemical properties as traced in molecular gas composition contain significant information that will tell us the current state and duration of the SB/AGN activities, and how that is affected by the ongoing tidal interaction. The spectrum of our previous LMT line survey seems to be like SB galaxies not AGN-host galaxies, however it reflects mean value of double nuclei. High resolution and sensitivity imaging of numerous molecules with ALMA is strong tool to create accurate picture of NGC3256. We introduce the newest results of ALMA cycle3 observation.

[Speaker 2]
Misaki Ando, M2, SOKENDAI (Supervisor;Daisuke Iono)
Physical Conditions of Molecular Gas in Merging Starburst Galaxy NGC 1614

Deep NIR spectroscopy for [OIII] emission line galaxies at z>3 / The accelerated build-up of the red sequence in high-redshift galaxy clusters (The review of Cerulo+16)

[Speaker 1]
Tomoko Suzuki, D3, SOKENDAI (Supervisor; Tadayuki Kodama)
Deep NIR spectroscopy for [OIII] emission line galaxies at z>3
I will show our preliminary results obtained by recent near-infrared spectroscopy for narrow-band-selected star-forming galaxies at z>3 with Keck/MOSFIRE.

[Speaker 2]
Moegi Yamamoto, D1, SOKENDAI (Supervisor; Tadayuki Kodama)
The accelerated build-up of the red sequence in high-redshift galaxy clusters (The review of Cerulo+16)

Formation Path of Interstellar Glycine / Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs) / A Search for the Cause of Low Lithium Abundances in Some Extremely Metal-Poor Stars

Taiki Suzuki, D3, SOKENDAI (Supervisor: Masatoshi Ohishi)
Formation Path of Interstellar Glycine

Masafusa Onoue, D2, SOKENDAI (Supervisor: Nobunari Kashikawa)
Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs)
I will present recent updates of high-redshift (z>6) quasar search project using Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) survey, with which we have succeeded in identifying 9 z>6 quasars from the initial data release. Also, I will show the result of another faint quasar search at z~6 using deep Subaru/Suprime-Cam images.

Tadafumi Matsuno, M2, SOKENDAI (Supervisor: Wako Aoki)
A Search for the Cause of Low Lithium Abundances in Some Extremely Metal-Poor Stars