
The characterization of dipper stars and the impact of telluric absorption lines on the IRD spectra / Development of a new method to estimate the horizontal velocity with convolutional neural network

Yui Kasagi
SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)
(Supervisor: Takayuki Kotani, Saeko Hayashi, Wako Aoki)
The characterization of dipper stars and the impact of telluric absorption lines on the IRD spectra

Ryohtaroh Ishikawa
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Yoshinori Suematsu, Yukio Katsukawa, Masahito Kubo)
Development of a new method to estimate the horizontal velocity with convolutional neural network

The environment of Lyα emitters, massive star forming and quiescent galaxies / Simulating the Effect of Aberrations on Beam Patterns for Radio Telescopes

Kei Ito
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Masayuki Tanaka, Nobunari Kashikawa, Yuichi Matsuda, Yusei Koyama)
The environment of Lyα emitters, massive star forming and quiescent galaxies

Takaho Masai
SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)
(Supervisor: Alvaro Gonzalez, Yoshinori Uzawa, Takafumi Kojima)
Simulating the Effect of Aberrations on Beam Patterns for Radio Telescopes

Formation and evolution of galactic structures using gas and stellar kinematics / Estimating dust scaleheight of HD 163296 from ALMA continuum image

Takafumi Tsukui
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Satoru Iguchi, Hiroshi Nagai, Yuichi Matsuda)

Formation and evolution of galactic structures using gas and stellar kinematics

Kiyoaki Doi
SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)
(Supervisor: Akimasa Kataoka, Hideko Nomura, Misato Fukagawa)

Estimating dust scaleheight of HD 163296 from ALMA continuum image