
SOKENDAI Colloquium (2023.4.26)

Speaker1: Rikuto Omae
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Mami Machida, Masami Ouchi, Kazuhiro Hada)
Title: Review of magnetic fields in the circumgalactic medium using Faraday rotation

Speaker2: Raiga Kashiwagi
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Kazunari Iwasaki, Tomoya Takiwaki, Nanase Harada)
Title: Simulation of collisions between filamentary molecular clouds threaded by lateral magnetic field and their evolution

SOKENDAI Colloquium (2023.4.19)

Speaker1: Ryota Ikeda
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Daisuke Iono, Masayuki Tanaka, Takuma Izumi)
Title: Playing with Gas Kinematics pt.2 – Kinematical properties of CO line in z ~1.5 cluster galaxies –

Speaker 2: Shotaro Tada
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Takayuki Kotani, Yutaka Hayano, Yosuke Minowa)
Title: Development of precise detector calibration methods for photometry and astrometry with space telescopes

Mm/submm Energy Diagnostics & Non-LTE Modeling of the AGN-Starburst Composite Galaxy NGC 7469 with ALMA / Optical Analysis of Current ALMA Band 8 Receiver Tertiary Optics

Suzuka Nakano
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Kouichiro Nakanishi, Takashi Sekii, Masayuki Tanaka)
Mm/submm Energy Diagnostics & Non-LTE Modeling of the AGN-Starburst Composite Galaxy NGC 7469 with ALMA

Takaho Masai
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Alvaro Gonzalez,  Yoshinori Uzawa, Takafumi Kojima)
Optical Analysis of Current ALMA Band 8 Receiver Tertiary Optics

Revealing the core growth with numerical simulation data and observation data in Orion A / Elucidation of galactic magnetic field structure by pseudo-observation using N-body simulation

Hideaki Takemura
SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Fumitaka Nakamura, Tomoya Hirota, Akimasa Kataoka)
Revealing the core growth with numerical simulation data and observation data in Orion A

Yuta Tashima
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Mami Machida,  Fumitaka Nakamura, Tomoya Takiwaki)
Elucidation of galactic magnetic field structure by pseudo-observation using N-body simulation

Study of High-Energy Phenomena in the Solar Corona Tackled with X-ray Imaging-Spectroscopy / Spectroscopic study of the source region for fast Solar Wind acceleration in CH

Yoshiaki Sato
SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)
(Supervisor: Takashi Sekii,  Noriyuki Narukage, Masumi Simojo)
Study of High-Energy Phenomena in the Solar Corona Tackled with X-ray Imaging-Spectroscopy

Yoshihiro Naito
SOKENDAI 1st year (M1)
(Supervisor: Hirohisa Hara,  Ryoko Ishikawa, Joten Okamoto)
Spectroscopic study of the source region for fast Solar Wind acceleration in CH