Tomonari Michiyama, M1, SOKENDAI (supervisor: Daisuke Iono)
Development of scramblers for IRD / Direct imaging for mid-mass giant having long term RV trend II
Haruka Baba, M2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Wako Aoki)
Development of scramblers for IRD
Tsuguru Ryu ,M2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Motohide Tamura)
Direct imaging for mid-mass giant having long term RV trend II
Development of Software for Precise LLR Data Analysis / Black-Hole Mass Measurements Using mm-wave Interferometric Observations / Optical Seeing Properties on the Pointing Verification for ALMA Antenna
RyosukeNagasawa, M2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Hideo Hanada)
Development of Software for Precise LLR Data Analysis
Kyoko Onishi, D1, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Satoru Iguchi)
Black-Hole Mass Measurements Using mm-wave Interferometric Observations
Ayumu Matsuzawa, D2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Satoru Iguchi)
Optical Seeing Properties on the Pointing Verification for ALMA Antenna
Searching for Protoclusters / Probabilistic Selection of z>6 Quasars: Initial Results from the First HSC SSP Data
Jun Toshikawa, D3, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Nobunari Kashikawa)
Searching for Protoclusters
Masafusa Onoue, M2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Nobunari Kashikawa)
Probabilistic Selection of z>6 Quasars: Initial Results from the First HSC SSP Data
I will present my high-z quasar selection method using SED fitting and its application to the first HSC-SSP data.
While it is a well-known problem that the classical quasar selection based on two colors suffers from contaminating sources such as brown dwarfs, photometric redshift with multi-color photometry is a complementary way to effectively isolate high-z quasars. Since photo-z for AGN has been less explored comparing with photo-z for galaxies, I have developed template SED fitting method by myself to construct the largest z>6 quasar sample with the HSC survey.
In this talk, I will show how our selection works on the existing quasar samples such as z>3 quasars in the COSMOS field, and then report the result of the first application to the HSC-SSP data products, which results in five z>6 quasar candidates including one possible highest-redshift (z_photo=7.3) quasar.
Ground Experiment of the Interferometer Module for DECIGO
Koki OKUTOMI, M2, SOKENDAI, Mitaka(supervisor: Yoichi ASO)
Ground Experiment of the Interferometer Module for DECIGO