
Near-Infrared High-Resolution Polarimetry Observations towards Protoplanetary Disks in Binary/Multiple Systems / The VLMO search in the Taurus molecular cloud

[Speaker 1]
Yi Yang, SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)(Supervisor: Saeko Hayashi)
Near-Infrared High-Resolution Polarimetry Observations towards Protoplanetary Disks in Binary/Multiple Systems

[Speaker 2]
Haruka baba, SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)(Supervisor: 田村元秀,青木和光,臼田知史,小谷隆行)
The VLMO search in the Taurus molecular cloud

The star-formation activity of galaxies in clusters from HSC-HSC / ALMA observation of 12CO/13CO(3-2) molecular gas in merging ULIRGs

Moegi Yamamoto, SOKENDAI D2 (Supervisor : Tadayuki Kodama, Ikuru Iwata, Yuichi Matsuda)
The star-formation activity of galaxies in clusters from HSC-HSC

Misaki Ando, SOKENDAI: D1 (Supervisor : Daisuke Iono, Masao Saito, Daniel Espada)
ALMA observation of 12CO/13CO(3-2) molecular gas in merging ULIRGs

Submillimeter recombination lines in the merging galaxy NGC3256 / Asteroseismic modeling of KIC11145123

[Speaker 1]
Tomonari Michiyama, SOKENDAI 4th: (Supervisor : Daisuke Iono, Kouichiro Nakanishi, Masatoshi Imanishi)
Submillimeter recombination lines in the merging galaxy NGC3256

Yoshiki Hatta, SOKENDAI: 2 (Supervisor : Takashi Sekii , Tetsuya Watanabe, Yukio Katsukawa)
Asteroseismic modeling of KIC11145123

NIR Spectra of M Dwarfs Obtained by IRD Engineering Run / High Resolution Spectrometer by Applying Static Fourier Transform Method

Hiroyuki Ishikawa, SOKENDAI: M2 (Supervisor : Takayuki Kotani, Tomonori Usuda, Saeko Hayashi)
NIR Spectra of M Dwarfs Obtained by IRD Engineering Run

Ko Hosokawa, SOKENDAI: M2 (Supervisor :Takayuki Kotani, Tomonori Usuda, Hideki Takami)
High Resolution Spectrometer by Applying Static Fourier Transform Method

Systematic Study of QSO Radiative Feedback in High-z Universe / Wave Propagation along Spicules Observed by Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP)

Hisakazu Uchiyama, SOKENDAI: D3 (Supervisor : Nobunari Kashikawa, Yuichi Matsuda, Yutaka Komiyama)
Systematic Study of QSO Radiative Feedback in High-z Universe

Masaki Yoshida, SOKENDAI: D1 (Supervisor :Y. Suematsu, H. Hara, R. Ishikawa)
Wave Propagation along Spicules Observed by Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP)