
June 17 Mon 13:30-14:30
Visitor’s talk
Lecture room

June 18 Tue 9:00-17:00
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

June 18 Tue 10:00-11:30
太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)

June 19 Wed 10:00-12:00
SOKENDAI Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom


=============== June 17 Mon===============

Seminar: Visitor’s talk
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Sporadic
Date and time:June 17th (Mon), 13:30-14:30
Place:Lecture room
Speaker:Dr. Joel Sánchez Bermúdez
Title: Revealing the physics of Young Stellar Objects with GRAVITY/VLTI
Abstract: It is well-established that low- to intermediate-mass stars form via accreting disks. Over the past decade, a remarkable variety of morphologies have been uncovered through interferometric observations at radio wavelengths (e.g., with the VLA and ALMA) and, more recently, with infrared coronagraphs (e.g., with SPHERE/VLT and GPI).
Infrared interferometers have also been employed to study these objects, allowing us (i) to resolve the inner rims of the accreting disks, (ii) the detection of accretion signatures, and (iii) the tracing of formation regions of lines such as BrG and CO.
This presentation will review some of these discoveries obtained with the GRAVITY instrument at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer.
Specifically, I will showcase state-of-the-art milliarcsecond resolution images (of both continuum and line) of several sources (HD 163296, HD 45677, and R CrA), where binarity and variability of the inner rim are observed at spatial scales less than 5 au from the forming star.
Furthermore, I will discuss open questions that we aim to address in the coming years with the anticipated advancements in infrared interferometry.
In particular, I will highlight the new capabilities of GRAVITY(+) and my role as Co-PI in the design and construction of the new high-spectral resolution mode of this instrument, which is crucial for studying young stellar objects.
-Name:Kotomi Taniguchi

Comment: English

定例・臨時の別: 臨時
日時:6月17日(月曜日) 13:30~14:30
講演者:Dr. Joel Sánchez Bermúdez
Title: Revealing the physics of Young Stellar Objects with GRAVITY/VLTI
Abstract: It is well-established that low- to intermediate-mass stars form via accreting disks. Over the past decade, a remarkable variety of morphologies have been uncovered through interferometric observations at radio wavelengths (e.g., with the VLA and ALMA) and, more recently, with infrared coronagraphs (e.g., with SPHERE/VLT and GPI).
Infrared interferometers have also been employed to study these objects, allowing us (i) to resolve the inner rims of the accreting disks, (ii) the detection of accretion signatures, and (iii) the tracing of formation regions of lines such as BrG and CO.
This presentation will review some of these discoveries obtained with the GRAVITY instrument at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer.
Specifically, I will showcase state-of-the-art milliarcsecond resolution images (of both continuum and line) of several sources (HD 163296, HD 45677, and R CrA), where binarity and variability of the inner rim are observed at spatial scales less than 5 au from the forming star.
Furthermore, I will discuss open questions that we aim to address in the coming years with the anticipated advancements in infrared interferometry.
In particular, I will highlight the new capabilities of GRAVITY(+) and my role as Co-PI in the design and construction of the new high-spectral resolution mode of this instrument, which is crucial for studying young stellar objects.



===============June 18 Tue===============

日時:6月18日(火曜日) 9時00分~17時00分

発表者:池田 遼太 (9:00~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻
タイトル:Spatially resolved studies of dust, gas, and stars in distant star-forming galaxies

発表者:吉田 有宏 (9:50~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻
タイトル:Constraints on the Physical and Chemical Structure of the Main Planet Forming
Regions with ALMA

発表者:石神 瞬 (10:40~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻
タイトル:Observational approach to reveal heating properties of coronal loops

発表者:一村 亮太 (11:30~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻
タイトル:Modeling Carbon Isotope Fractionation of Complex Organic Molecules in Star and Planet Forming Regions

発表者:西垣 萌香 (13:20~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻

発表者:鈴木 卓哉 (14:10~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻
タイトル:Dark Matter Annihilation in Dark Matter Halos around Primordial Black Holes

発表者:Bhardwaj, Shubham (15:00~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻
タイトル:GRBs and machine learning

発表者:Naufal, Abdurrahman (15:50~)
所属:総研大 天文科学専攻
タイトル:Metamorphosis of Galaxies in Protoclusters at z~2


-名前:大学院係 池添

備考:Japanese, English, Zoom

===============June 18 Tue==============

セミナー名:太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)
日時: 6月 18日(火曜日)10時00分~11時30分
所属: 日本スペースガード協会
タイトル: 研究紹介



===============June 19 Wed==============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Scheduled
Date and time:Jun 19 10:00-12:00
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

Speaker:Seiya Imai
Affiliation:Not entered
Title:Not entered

Speaker:Kousuke Ishihara
Affiliation:Not entered
Title:Not entered

Speaker:Ryota Hatami
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2) (Supervisor:Nozomu Tominaga, Tomoya Takiwaki, Koh Takahashi)
Title:Synthesis of Sc, Ti, and V in Core-Collapse Supernovae toward Constraining the Explosion Mechanism

-Name:Yoshiaki Sato

Comment:Language: English


June 11 Tue 10:00-11:30
太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)

June 12 Wed 10:30-12:00
SOKENDAI Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

June 12 Wed 15:30-16:30
NAOJ Science Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

June 13 Thu 14:30-15:30
ALMA-J seminar
hybrid; Room 102 in ALMA Building and Zoom

June 14 Fri 13:30-14:30
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

June 14 Fri 15:30-16:30
NAOJ Seminar
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

June 14 Fri 15:30-17:00
Solar and Space Plasma Seminar
hybrid; Insei Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom


=============== June 11 Tue===============

セミナー名:太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)
日時: 6月 11日(火曜日)10時00分~11時30分
所属: 東京大学
タイトル: 研究紹介



=============== June 12 Wed===============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Scheduled
Date and time:Jun 12 10:30-12:00
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

Speaker:Takumi Kakimoto
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1) (Supervisor: Masayuki Tanaka, Daisuke Iono, Kiyoto Yabe)
Title:The role of the environment in quenching of massive galaxies at high redshifts

Speaker:Kazuki Watanabe
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2) (Supervisor: Tai Oshima, Yoshinori Uzawa, Takafumi Kojima)
Title:Development of a sub-THz MKID Camera for Deep Space Observation

-Name:Yoshiaki Sato

Comment:Language: English

===============June 12 Wed==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: NAOJ Science Colloquium
Date and time: 2024 June 12 (Wed.), 15:30-16:30 JST
Place: the large seminar room / Zoom (hybrid)

Speaker: Mehrnoosh Tahani
Affiliation: Stanford University
Title: Galactic Structure and Evolution: What 3D Magnetic Field Observations Are Revealing
Recent observations have significantly advanced our understanding of the three-dimensional (3D) structure and evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM). To fully comprehend ISM evolution, however, it is necessary to study interstellar magnetic fields, which play a pivotal role in the evolution of the galaxy and the formation of stars. Despite their importance, our understanding of magnetic fields in the ISM is limited due to significant challenges in observing them in 3D. In this talk, I will briefly discuss how we overcame the challenges in determining the 3D magnetic fields associated with giant molecular clouds. These 3D fields enabled us to propose step-by-step scenarios to explain the formation of these clouds, revealing previously undiscovered interstellar structure. Our approach involves a novel technique based on Faraday rotation measurements to detect the line- of-sight component of magnetic fields. We then integrate these line-of-sight measurements with plane-of-sky magnetic field observations to examine the 3D magnetic field morphology associated with the clouds. Finally, we employ Galactic magnetic field models to reconstruct the complete 3D magnetic field morphologies of these clouds, including their previously unknown direction. These 3D studies provide novel constraints on theories for the formation and evolution of star-forming clouds.

-Name: Nanase Harada

Comment: English

===============June 13 Thu==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: ALMA-J seminar
Date and time: 2024 June 13 (Thursday), 14:30-15:30 JST
Place: Room 102 in ALMA building / Zoom (hybrid)
Speaker: Nimesh Patel
Affiliation: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Title: Chemical Evolution from AGB stars to Planetary Nebulae: A spectral-line survey of the Egg Nebula (CRL 2688)
Carbon-rich stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) are major sources of gas and dust in the interstellar medium. AGB stars remain
in this stage for 1 to 10 Myrs, and have typical masses of 1–8 Msun and mass loss rates of 10^(−7) to 10^(−4) Msun/yr. During the
brief (∼1000 yr) period in the evolution from the AGB to Planetary Nebula (PN) there is a dramatic change in the morphology from nearly
spherical symmetry to bipolar, quadrupolar and more complex structures.
Because of the brief duration of this Proto-Planetary Nebula (PPN) phase and the poor angular resolution of most prior molecular line
observations (>= 15″– 20″), the physical mechanisms governing the AGB -> PPN -> PN transition and the accompanying chemical processes
are poorly understood.

Using the Submillimeter Array (SMA), we have previously carried out spectral-line surveys of CRL 618, NGC 7027, and IRC+10216. In this
talk, I will present preliminary results from a spectral-line survey of CRL2688 (Egg Nebula), which is a well known PPN with multiple
outflows and shell-like structures discovered in HST images.
Together, these unbiased surveys of the 4 prototypical carbon rich objects which span the evolutionary sequence from the AGB to fully
formed planetary nebula — IRC+10216 (AGB), CRL 2688 (early PPN), CRL 618 (PPN) and NGC 7027 (PN) — have the potential of unravelling
the physical and chemical evolution of circumstellar envelopes from AGB to PN.

The SMA line survey of CRL 2688 covers the frequency range of 224–266 GHz, with an rms noise level of 100~150 mJy/beam in 1 km/s
wide channels. About 130 lines are detected in the 42 GHz coverage; all the detected lines have been identified. Lines of silicon
bearing species such as SiCC and SiS are much weaker (compared to those seen in IRC+10216). Several lines show morphological features
corresponding to the multiple outflows in this source (HCN, CS), and the disk like structure (CH3CN,SiS). The channel maps show an
S-shaped morphology for the bipolar lobes in CS and HCN, clear indication of a precessing/wobbling jet or two jets with different
axes. It is interesting to see Si bearing molecules, and weak lines of c-C3H2 in CRL 2688, whereas this molecule is one of the most
abundant in CRL 618 (with more than 150 lines in that survey). Maps of a few of the trace species — the first images obtained for most
of these — reveal diverse angular distributions, allowing us to distinguish the different regions in which each species is present
in this complex source.

-Name: Pei-Ying Hsieh

===============June 14 Fri==============

場所:大セミナー室 + Zoom

講演者: Pradip Gatkine 氏
所属: UCLA
タイトル:Astronomical instruments on a chip – Getting ready for the next-generation telescopes

Astrophotonics is the application of versatile photonic technologies to channel, manipulate, and disperse guided light from one or more telescopes to achieve scientific objectives in astronomy in an efficient and cost-effective way. The photonic platform of guided light in fibers and waveguides has opened the doors to next-generation instrumentation for both ground- and space-based telescopes in optical and near/mid-IR bands, particularly for the large and extremely large telescopes (ELTs). Utilizing the photonic advantage for astronomical spectroscopy is a promising approach to massively miniaturize the next generation of spectrometers for large ground- and space-based telescopes. In this talk, I will discuss some of the recent results from our efforts to design and fabricate high-throughput on-chip spectrometers based on Arrayed Waveguide Gratings (AWG). These devices are ideally suited for capturing the AO-corrected light and enabling exciting science cases, such as measuring exoplanet masses and characterizing exoplanet atmospheres. I will also discuss specific approaches to make this technology science-ready for the ELT era.

-名前:永井 誠


===============June 14 Fri===============

Seminar:NAOJ Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Regular
Date and time:June 14, 2024 15:30-16:30
Place:Zoom/Large Seminar Room (hybrid)

Speaker:Dr. Nimesh Patel
Affiliation:Center for Astrophysics/ Harvard University

Title:Building the Next Generation Event Horizon Telescope

Abstract:The next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) will be a transformative upgrade to the EHT, that will allow us to create time-lapse movies of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at event horizon scales. By enhancing the angular resolution, dynamic range, and improved temporal coverage, the ngEHT promises a new era of discovery in black hole science, allowing us to study strong-field gravity features predicted by General Relativity (GR), active accretion, and relativistic jet launching processes. The ngEHT program aims to achieve these goals by adding four 10m-class submillimeter dishes at new geographic locations around the globe, for improved spatial frequency coverage. Several of the existing EHT stations will have upgraded receivers and fore-optics for simultaneous multifrequency observations (86, 230 and 345 GHz), and new backends and data recorders with significantly higher data rates (up to 320 Gb/s). The ngEHT will allow longer duration high cadence observations allowing creation of movies of black holes and jets. This talk will describe the ngEHT’s technical plans, design considerations, station siting, and the project’s timeline.

-Name:Takashi Moriya

=============== June 14 Fri===============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: Solar and Space Plasma Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic: Sporadic
Date and time:14 June (Fri), 15:30-17:00
Place: Insei Seminar Room and Zoom

Speaker:Dr. Alexei Pevtsov
Affiliation:National Solar Observatory
Title: Integrated Synoptic Program at the US National Solar Observatory and ngGONG


Providing the background synoptic observations to characterize the variable solar activity and operating ground-based facilities to enable
such long-term observations are two key aspects of the US National Solar Observatory (NSO) mission, which are entrusted to NSO’s Integrated
Synoptic Program (NISP). The program operates two facilities: Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) and Synoptic Optical Long‐term
Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS). Data from these facilities are provided to research and space weather operation communities. This talk
will overview the Program activities, provide status of GONG and SOLIS facilities, and discuss their future replacement – a ground-based
network of robotic instruments provisionally called next generation GONG (ngGONG).

-Name:Akiko Tei

Comment:Japanese (Slides will be in English)


June 4 Tue 10:00-11:30
太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)

June 5 Wed 10:30-12:00
SOKENDAI Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom


=============== June 4 Tue===============

セミナー名:太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)
日時: 6月 4日(火曜日)10時00分~11時30分
講演者:渡部潤一, 鈴木文二
タイトル: 彗星研究紹介



=============== June 5 Wed===============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Scheduled
Date and time:Jun 05 10:30-12:00
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

Speaker:Yoshiaki Sato
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1) (Supervisor:Noriyuki Narukage, Takashi Sekii, Masumi Shimojo)
Title:Introduction of our flare campaign and efforts to predict solar flare scale

Speaker:Tomohiro Yoshida
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 4th year (D2) (Supervisor:Hideko Nomura)
Title:Detection of SO in the protoplanetary disk around TW Hya: outflow from an embedded protoplanet?

-Name:Yoshiaki Sato

Comment:Language: English


May 28 Tue 15:00-16:00
Tea Talk
hybrid; Lecture Room and Zoom

May 29 Wed 14:30-15:30
ALMA-J seminar
hybrid; Room 102 in ALMA Building and Zoom

May 29 Wed 15:30-16:30
NAOJ Science Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom


=============== May 28 Tue===============

キャンパス:三鷹 野辺山 水沢 岡山 ハワイ
セミナー名:Tea Talk
講演者:縣 秀彦、花山 秀和、大越 治
タイトル:大越治「メキシコ・マサトラン 雲を通した日食」


=============== May 29 Wed===============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: ALMA-J seminar
Date and time: 2024 May. 29 (Wed.), 14:30-15:30 JST
Place: Room 102 in ALMA building / Zoom (hybrid)
Speaker: Zongnan Li
Affiliation: NAOJ

Title: Ring or no ring – Revisiting the Multiphase Nuclear Environment in our Neighbor M31
Nuclear rings, prevalent in barred galaxies, offer great insights into the processes of gas transport toward galactic nuclei. However, our understanding of a peculiar nuclear ring, which has long been recognized to exist in our neighbor galaxy M31, remains elusive. Here we present a comprehensive study of this multi-phase gas structure, originally revealed by its dust emission, based on newly acquired mapping of CO(1-0) and CO(3-2) lines and archival spectroscopic imaging of atomic hydrogen and warm ionized gas, along with custom numerical simulations. These multi-wavelength data together provide an unprecedented view of the surface mass density distribution and kinematics of the nuclear ring, which challenges it being a single coherent structure. In particular, the ring is found to display a significant asymmetry in its azimuthal mass distribution, with the neutral gas concentrated in the northwestern segment while the ionized gas prominent in the southeastern segment. The observed off-centered and lopsided morphology disfavors an interpretation of gas streamers or resonance driven solely by a barred potential known to exist in M31. In addition, the ring’s line-of-sight velocity distribution suggests a circular motion with the assumed planar ring inclined by ∼ 30◦ relative to the outer disk of M31, which implies an external torque probably induced by the recent close-in passage of M32. Our hydrodynamical simulations tracking the evolution of nuclear gas of M31 influenced by both a barred potential and an oblique collision of M32, reveal the natural formation of asymmetric spiral arms several hundred Myr after the collision, which may mimic a ring-like feature under appropriate viewing angles. Therefore, we suggest that M31’s nuclear gas structure, instead of being a genuine rotating ring, comprises transient, asymmetric spirals with a substantial tilt.

-Name: Yu Cheng

===============May 29 Wed==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: NAOJ Science Colloquium
Date and time: 2024 May 29 (Wed.), 15:30-16:30 JST
Place: the large seminar room / Zoom (hybrid)

Speaker: Pete Kuzma
Affiliation: NAOJ (as a JSPS International Fellow)
Title: Extended Structure in Globular Clusters
Globular star clusters (GCs) are significant building blocks of the Milky Way’s (MW) Galactic halo. With typical ages of approximately 10 billion years, GCs are relics from the earliest stages of galaxy formation and are suggested to have contributed significantly to the halo assembly process. The current population of over 160 GCs may represent a mere fraction of the initial population of GCs, as the halo is rich in stars with chemical abundances suggesting they originate from GCs. An exciting development over the past 20 years has been the discovery that several MW GCs possess significantly extended structures, sometimes reaching out to a few hundred parsecs (corresponding to many half-mass radii). The types of features found range from axisymmetric tidal tails to large diffuse stellar envelopes. Such structures are indicative of mass loss, but our understanding of extended stellar structures, such as chemistry, kinematics and overall ubiquity, is currently incomplete apart from a very small sample. This is primed to change as upcoming large spectroscopic surveys commence and provide spatial coverage and depth that have been difficult to achieve until now. In this talk, I will explore the nature of extended GC structures and their role in the build-up of the Milky Way halo. I will explore before and after the Gaia revolution, both chemically and kinematically, and how future surveys will revolutionise our view of GCs and their peripheries.

-Name: Kazumasa Ohno
Comment: English


May 21 Tue 10:00-11:30
太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)

May 22 Wed 10:30-12:00
SOKENDAI Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

May 22 Wed 14:30-15:30
ALMA-J seminar
hybrid; Room 102 in ALMA Building and Zoom

May 22 Wed 15:30-16:30
NAOJ Science Colloquium
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

May 24 Fri 15:30-16:30
NAOJ Seminar
hybrid; Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom


=============== May 21 Tue===============

セミナー名:太陽系小天体セミナー (Solar System Minor Body Seminar)
日時: 5月 21日(火曜日)10時00分~11時30分
タイトル: 研究紹介 


=============== May 22 Wed===============

Seminar:SOKENDAI Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Scheduled
Date and time:May 22, 2024 10:30-12:00
Place:Large Seminar Room in Subaru Building and Zoom

Speaker:Miho Tan
Affiliation:SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2) (Supervisor: Mami Machida, Tomoya Takiwaki, Kazunari Iwasaki)
Title:Effect of companion star wind in the jet propagation from X-ray binary

Speaker:Kiyoaki Doi
Affiliation: SOKENDAI 5th year (D3) (Supervisor: Akimasa Kataoka, Hideko Nomura, Misato Fukagawa)
Title:ALMA Band 3 observations of the protoplanetary disk around PDS 70

-Name:Yoshiaki Sato
Comment:Language: English

===============May 22 Wed==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: ALMA-J seminar
Date and time: 2024 May. 22 (Wed.), 14:30-15:30 JST
Place: Room 102 in ALMA building / Zoom (hybrid)
Speaker: Yumi Watanabe
Affiliation: Fukushima Univ. /NAOJ

Title: Elucidation of anomalies in the HCN(J=1-0)/CO(J=1-0) intensity ratio using nearby Seyfert galaxy

Galaxies and black holes co-evolve. To understand co-evolution, it is necessary to clarify the phenomenon of AGN. To clarify galaxy evolution, we focused on AGN. The phenomenon of AGN can affect the properties of molecular gases, which is why we are studying molecular gases.
HCN(1-0), which traces dense gas, has been used in investigating the physics of AGN.
We focused our study on NGC 1068, a nearby Seyfert galaxy(distance of about 14 Mpc). This galaxy has an AGN and is considered to have a typical stellar mass. It also has a circumnuclear disk (CND) of gas (radius ~0.2 kpc) surrounding the AGN. Therefore, we focused on this galaxy.
In addition to our group’s own data, we collected and synthesized archived data from ALMA telescopes around the world and used high-quality data to observe HCN and CO in NGC 1068. The HCN/CO intensity ratio was created and a maximum value of 1.09 was obtained. This value is unusually higher than the galaxy’s typical value of 0.1. The cause may be abnormal abundance or excitation. We will discuss the cause of the unusually high HCN/CO intensity ratios observed around the CND.

-Name: Yu Cheng

===============May 22 Wed==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: NAOJ Science Colloquium
Date and time: 2024 May 22 (Wed.), 15:30-16:30 JST
Place: the large seminar room / Zoom (hybrid)

Speaker: Arnab Chaudhuri
Affiliation: NAOJ (JSPS)
Title: Excursion beyond the Standard Model Physics- Gravitational Waves and Beyond
The standard model of particle physics, even though very successful, however is incomplete. It fails to explain the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry, neutrino masses and have any suitable candidates for dark matter. Within the framework of the standard model electroweak phase transition is crossover in nature. Hence a lot of beyond the standard model theories have been established in both particle physics and cosmology to overcome these shortcomings. The recent results from NANOGrav have also established the existence of secondary or stochastic gravitational waves. In this talk, I will go through some models with the main focus being the creation of these stochastic gravitational waves due to a first order phase transition.

This talk will be primarily based on JCAP 01 (2018) 032, Phys.Rev.D
106 (2022) 9, 095016 and arXiv: 2404.10288 .

-Name: Hiroki Nagakura
Comment: English

===============May 24 Fri==============

Seminar:NAOJ Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Regular
Date and time:May 24, 2024 15:30-16:30
Place:Zoom/Large Seminar Room (hybrid)

Speaker:Prof. Tom Millar
Affiliation:Queen’s University Belfast

Title: Gas-phase Astrochemistry: Successes and Challenges

Abstract: The importance of astrochemistry in elucidating physical conditions and processes in astronomy has grown remarkably in recent years in response to the development of novel instruments and observational facilities. As a result, astrochemical techniques are applied to a wide range of astronomical objects, from the solar system to star birth and death, to exoplanet atmospheres, to galaxies and even to the early evolution of the universe. In this talk, I will give a brief history of the development of the subject from its conception around 1950 to its birth, eventually induced by radio astronomy, in 1973.

The importance of astrochemistry as an essentially interdisciplinary discipline will be stressed given the need for gas-phase reaction rate coefficients over a wide temperature range as well as chemistry in and on icy grain mantles. I will introduce the new release of the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry (UDfA) that reflects the additional chemistry needed to model the 100 or so new molecules detected in the last decade.

I will also describe some results from the ATOMIUM project, an ALMA Large Program, aimed at understanding dust formation around O-rich AGB stars. A surprise finding is that all targets have density distributions that appear to be driven by the presence of a binary companion. ATOMIUM results, and ALMA observations of ‘unexpected’ complex molecules at a few stellar radii in the C-rich star IRC+10216, have shown the importance of UV photons from binary companions in determining the chemistry of their inner winds. I will discuss some attempts to explain these results and will finish with some challenges for the future development of the subject.

-Name:Takuma Izumi