
Oct 10 Tue     10:00-11:30    太陽系小天体セミナー Zoom

Oct 11 Wed    13:30-15:00 Solar and Space Plasma Seminar   hybrid; Subaru Building / Insei Seminar Room or Zoom

Oct 11 Wed    14:00-15:00   Tea Talk 輪講室(+Zoom)

Oct 11 Wed    14:30-15:30    ALMA-J seminar hybrid (ROOM102 in ALMA building and ZOOM)

Oct 11 Wed    15:30-16:30    NAOJ Science Colloquium Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)

Oct 13 Fri   16:00-17:00 NAOJ Seminar zoom/ Large seminar room in Subaru Building


=============== October 10 Tue===============


Abstract:『COMETS III』より、著者による先行公開されている2つの章、



=============== October 11 Wed===============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: Solar and Space Plasma Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic: Scheduled
Date and time:11th Oct (Wed), 13:30-15:00
Place: hybrid; Subaru Building / Insei Seminar Room or Zoom
Speaker: Stanislav Gunar
Affiliation:Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Title:What is important for robust inversions of spectroscopic observations of chromospheric and coronal structures?
Abstract:In this presentation, we will discuss what is hidden behind the term “robust spectroscopic inversions” and what we need to achieve them. We will focus on the use of UV spectral data, such as the Lyman line series and the Mg II h&k lines.

There are several necessary ingredients needed to produce high-fidelity spectroscopic inversions. The first is high-resolution multi-wavelength observations. The second are realistic radiative transfer models encompassing dominant processes forming the observed spectra. The third component is sophisticated inversion methods that allow us to find a realistic fit between the observed and synthetic spectra. And there is another necessary component – a good understanding of all important boundary conditions.

We will demonstrate the importance of boundary conditions on the example of the so-called incident radiation. This is the radiation coming from the solar surface, which illuminates chromospheric and coronal structures, such as prominences or spicules. We will show that variations in this boundary condition have a strong impact on the shape and intensity of Lyman lines and the Mg II h&k lines. This impact is then responsible for significantly different outcomes of spectroscopic inversions.

Name:Takayoshi oba
Comment:in English

=============== October 11 Wed===============

キャンパス:三鷹 野辺山 水沢 岡山 ハワイ
セミナー名:Tea Talk
講演者:渡部 潤一


=============== October 11 Wed===============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: ALMA-J seminar
Date and time: Oct 11th (Wed) 14:30-15:30
Place: hybrid (ROOM102 in ALMA building and ZOOM)
Speaker: Tetsu Kitayama
Affiliation: Toho University
Title: High-resolution measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect toward galaxy clusters
The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect (SZE) provides a unique probe of cosmic plasma up to high redshifts. We first review briefly the progress of high-resolution SZE observations over the past two decades. We then present the measurements made by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA); we have obtained SZE images toward four galaxy clusters with 5″ resolution, while retaining extended signals out to 40″. We also discuss implications of these results on the evolution of galaxy clusters as well as prospects for further SZE measurements.

=============== October 11 Wed===============

Seminar:NAOJ Science Colloquium
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Every Wednesday Date and time:2023 Oct. 11, 15:30-16:30
Place:Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)

Speaker:Daichi Kashino
Title:Witnessing Galaxies Reionizing the Intergalactic Medium with JWST
Cosmic reionization is the last major phase transition of the universe, occurring in the first billion years after the Big Bang.
Understanding this process is one of the pivotal goals in modern astrophysics. The commissioning of JWST heralded a new era in investigating the roles of galaxies in reionizing the intergalactic medium, thanks to its unprecedented high sensitivity and dispersing power in near infrared.

In the presentation, I will present early results from our ongoing EIGER (Emission-line galaxies and Intergalactic Gas in the Epoch of
Reionization) survey, a JWST/NIRCam WFSS campaign in the fields of luminous z>6 quasars. The existence of these background quasars enables us to determine the ionization condition along their lines of sight from analysis of the high signal-to-noise quasar spectra. The primary objective of the project is to characterize the cross correlation between galaxies (as pinpointed by JWST) and the IGM conditions during the tail end of the epoch of reionization. In the first quasar field, we confirmed roughly 150 [OIII]5008-emitting galaxies over the redshift range of z=5.3–6.9. Through analyzing the distribution of these galaxies and the transmission spectrum of this corresponding quasar, we identified individual spatial coincidence between the groups of galaxies and highly ionized regions, as well as a mean excess IGM transmission in both Lyman-alpha and Lyman-beta around ~6 cMpc away from the galaxies at z~6. This is interpreted as direct evidence of local reionization by galaxies — indicating that we are witnessing galaxies reionizing the surrounding IGM. I may also showcase further preliminary results from other quasar fields currently being analyzed.

Name:Haruka Kusakabe

=============== October 13 Fri===============

Seminar:NAOJ Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Regularly Scheduled Date and time:2023 Oct 13, 16:00-17:00
Place:zoom/ Large seminar room in Subaru Building

Speaker: Cristian Eduard Rusu, PhD
Affiliation: Axelspace Corporation
Title: Opportunities and Challenges for Space Observations with Commercial Satellites
Abstract:Over the past decade, the number of satellites launched into orbit for commercial
purposes has increased exponentially. Nonetheless, these have had virtually no usage for
astronomical observations, due to the still prohibitive cost of launching large mirrors and
achieving scientific-level tolerances. In recent years however, governments as well as private
companies have become interested in Space Situation Awareness, or gaining insights from
optical monitoring from space of artificial satellites and space debris as faint as the 14th magnitude.
This renewed interest in space observations has the potential of reducing the cost of dedicated
astronomical satellites and bringing them within the reach of commercial companies.
I will explore these topics as experienced from the point of view of Axelspace, a Japanese commercial
satellite manufacturer and provider of satellite imagery.

-Name:Moriya, Takashi


October 3 Tue  10:00-11:30   太陽系小天体セミナー Zoom

October 6 Fri  14:00-15:30    Solar and Space Plasma Seminar hybrid; Central Building (North) / 310 or Zoom


=============== October 3 Tue===============




=============== October 6 Fri===============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: Solar and Space Plasma Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic: Scheduled
Date and time:Oct 6th (Fri) 14:00-15:30
Place: hybrid; Central Building (North) / 310 or Zoom
Speaker:Cosima Breu
Affiliation:University of St. Andrews
Title:A coronal loop in a box: From energy generation to observations

Abstract:A large part of the solar corona is composed of bright arcs of confined plasma, the so-called coronal loops. Far from being monolithic cylindrical structures, coronal loops have a finely structured and dynamic interior. With the help of 3D MHD simulations with MURaM, we investigate the energisation and structure of coronal loops and model the resulting observable emission. With the arrival of new powerful telescopes such as DKIST, increasing attention is being paid to the energy provided by small-scale motions. We study the impact of small-scale motions on energy injection and heating as well as observational signatures. In the next few years, the multi-slit spectrometer MUSE will be available and could provide observations with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution. I will discuss signatures of energy transport and heating that could be observed with future missions.

-Name:Takayoshi oba
Comment:in English


September 26 Tue  10:00-11:30   太陽系小天体セミナー zoom

September 27 Wed  14:30-15:30    ALMA-J seminar  ALMA building #102 / Zoom (hybrid)                

September  29 Fri     16:00-17:00      NAOJ Seminar            Zoom / the large seminar room (hybrid)              


=============== September 26 Tue===============



=============== September 27 Wed===============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: ALMA-J seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic: Every Wednesday
Date and time: September 27, 2023 (Wed), 14:30-15:30
Place: ALMA building #102 / Zoom (hybrid)
Speaker: Kana Morokuma-Matsui
Affiliation: Tsukuba University
Title: Star-formation quenching in galaxies in the Virgo, Fornax and Antlia clusters
Understanding how star formation (SF) is suppressed in galaxies is a crucial aspect of galaxy evolution research.
The cosmic SF rate (SFR) density has a peak around z~1-2, and the last half of the universe is the history of SF quenching in galaxies.
In this talk, we present our findings on how the galaxy-cluster environment affects SF activity in galaxies by observing molecular gas in cluster galaxies.
We investigate three nearby galaxy clusters, the Virgo, Fornax, and Antlia clusters. Our results show that SF activity is low in cluster galaxies due to the depletion of cold gas reservoirs rather than the decrease in star-formation efficiency.
We find that the molecular gas in Virgo galaxies is likely to be removed in a shorter timescale than the typical gas depletion timescale of ~1-3 Gyr.
We also discuss the similarities and differences between the three clusters.

Facilitator: Bunyo Hatsukade and Kouichiro Nakanishi

=============== September 29 Fri===============

Seminar:NAOJ Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic:Regularly Scheduled Date and time:2023 Sep 29, 16:00-17:00
Place: Zoom / Large Seminar Room (hybrid)

Speaker: Kazunori Kohri, Ph. D
Affiliation: Division of Science, NAOJ
Title: What is Dark Matter? From the Standpoint of Particle Cosmology
What is the nature of dark matter? Observations have determined that dark matter is approximately 25% of the total energy in the Universe today. However, its true nature is still unknown. Only when we uncover its true nature, we can call it a triumph of science. We do not have to say there is no argument that this is beyond the scope of astronomy. In particle physics, for example, the LHC experiment at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, was expected to reveal a new particle, dark matter, but it did not. The energy of particle physics experiments cannot be dramatically increased in a short period of time. Therefore, there is a growing trend to use future astronomical/cosmological observations to uncover the true nature of dark matter. In this talk, I will introduce my lifeworks for candidates for dark matter, 1) WIMPs, 2) axions, 3) primordial black holes, 4) right-handed neutrinos and so on, and show how they can be constrained by using cosmology, particle physics, gravity, high-energy astrophysics or multi-messenger astronomy. I will also explain how they may be elucidated in the future.

-Name:Takuma Izumi


September 19 Tue  10:00-11:30   太陽系小天体セミナー zoom



=============== September 19 Tue===============




Sep 11 Mon   15:00-16:30  Solar and Space Plasma Seminar
                hybrid; Central Building (North) / 310 or Zoom

Sep 13 Wed    14:30-15:30    ALMA-J seminar  
                   ALMA building #102 / Zoom (hybrid)              


=============== Sep 11 Mon===============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: Solar and Space Plasma Seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic: Scheduled
Date and time:Sep 11th (Sep), 15:00-16:30
Place: hybrid; Central Building (North) / 310 or Zoom
Speaker:Teodora Mihailescu
Affiliation:Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London
Title:Intriguing Plasma Composition Pattern in a Solar Active Region: a Result of Non-Resonant Alfvén Waves?

Abstract:The plasma composition of the solar corona is different from that of the solar photosphere. Elements that have a low first ionisation potential (FIP) are preferentially transported to the corona and, therefore, show enhanced abundances in the corona compared to the photosphere. The level of enhancement is measured using the FIP bias parameter. The highest FIP bias values are typically observed in active regions, but they also vary at sub-active region level. In this work, we use data from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode to study the plasma composition in an active region following an episode of significant new flux emergence into the pre-existing magnetic environment of the active region. We use two FIP bias diagnostics: Si X 258.375 Å/S X 264.233 Å (formation temperature of 1.5 MK) and Ca XIV 193.874 Å /Ar XIV 194.396 Å (formation temperature of 4 MK). We observe different plasma composition patterns in the newly emerging loops and the preexisting loops (those that had been formed before the flux emergence). This result can be interpreted in the context of the ponderomotive force model, which proposes that the enhancement of low-FIP elements in the corona is generally driven by Alfvén waves. We suggest that the low-FIP elements enhancement pattern observed in the emerging loops could be driven by resonant waves originating in the active region core loops. Conversely, we suggest that the pattern observed in preexisting loops could be driven by non-resonant waves and we discuss potential sources of these waves. This different type of wave activity is what could explain the different patterns of low-FIP elements enhancement in these two sets of loops.

Name:Takayoshi oba
Comment:in English

=============== Sep 13 Wed==============

Campus: Mitaka
Seminar: ALMA-J seminar
Regularly Scheduled/Sporadic: Every Wednesday
Date and time: September 13, 2023 (Wed), 14:30-15:30
Place: ALMA building #102 / Zoom (hybrid)
Speaker: Kaho Morii
Affiliation: The University of Tokyo/NAOJ
Title: Unveiling Early Stages of High-Mass Star Formation: Insights from Infrared Dark Clouds

Physical properties in infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) provide insights into the initial conditions of high-mass star and stellar cluster formation. We have conducted the ALMA Survey of 70 µm Dark High-mass Clumps in Early Stages (ASHES) on thirty-nine high-mass clumps, which are the dense parts of IRDCs. These targets are dark at 24 µm and 70 µm and have low temperatures, high masses, and high density, best candidates to investigate the earliest stages of high-mass star formation. Our ALMA observations reveal their internal structure and have identified an unprecedented number of 839 cores from dust continuum emission.  We find that less than 1% (7/839) of the cores possess masses exceeding 27 Msun. All of these cores are gravitationally bound and associated with molecular outflows. No high-mass prestellar core has been observed. Furthermore, among our sample, 90%  (35 out of 39) only host low- to intermediate-mass cores, indicating the necessity of additional mass input for high-mass star formation. Observed core properties generally follow the thermal Jeans fragmentation of the clumps. In this talk, I will present the first results of the statistical study of the 839 cores as well as a summary of the pilot survey, and discuss the characteristics of the initial stages of high-mass star formation.

Facilitator: Bunyo Hatsukade and Kouichiro Nakanishi