
Correlation between Galaxies and IGM at z≈2 Mapped by Subaru/HSC // Morphology of star-forming galaxies in z ~ 2 protoclusters

Yongming Liang
SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Masayuki Tanaka, Yuichi Matsuda)
Correlation between Galaxies and IGM at z≈2 Mapped by Subaru/HSC

Abdurrahman Naufal
SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)
(Supervisor: Masayuki Tanaka, Yusei Koyama, Yuichi Matsuda)
Morphology of star-forming galaxies in z ~ 2 protoclusters

Atmospheres of sub-Neptune-sized exoplanets in contact with magma ocean / Study of the fragmentation scale in high-mass star-forming regions

Chanoul Seo
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Yuka Fujii, Hideko Nomura, Masahiro Ikoma)
Atmospheres of sub-Neptune-sized exoplanets in contact with magma ocean

Kousuke Ishihara
SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Masao Saito, Fumitaka Nakamura, Sanhueza Patricio)
Study of the fragmentation scale in high-mass star-forming regions

Study of the Star Formation Histories from SEDs at 0 < z < 5 / Dense core survey and core mass function with 3D MHD simulation data

Kanako Sugimori
SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)
(Supervisor: Masayuki Tanaka, Masato Onodera, Yuichi Matsuda)
Study of the Star Formation Histories from SEDs at 0 < z < 5

Hideaki Takemura
SOKENDAI 5th year (D3)
(Supervisor: Fumitaka Nakamura, Tomoya Hirota, Akimasa Kataoka)
Dense core survey and core mass function with 3D MHD simulation data

Analysis of Aperture Efficiency Affected by Aberrations Towards High-Aperture Efficiency Wide Field-of-View Multibeam Receiver Optics / Study on Circumstellar Disks around Young Stars by Polarimetric Differential Imaging:Review of Hunziker et al. (2021)

Takaho Masai
SOKENDAI 4th year (D2)
(Supervisor: Alvaro Gonzalez, Yoshinori Uzawa, Takafumi Kojima)
Analysis of Aperture Efficiency Affected by Aberrations Towards High-Aperture Efficiency Wide Field-of-View Multibeam Receiver Optics

Shiori Koshisaka
SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)
(Supervisor: Takayuki Kotani, Misato Fukagawa, Yasunori Hori)
Study on Circumstellar Disks around Young Stars by Polarimetric Differential Imaging:Review of Hunziker et al. (2021)