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SOKENDAI Asian Winter School 2025


 The Astronomical Science Program of Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) invites early-career researchers from Asia to join the SOKENDAI Asian Winter School. The school aims to offer a high-level educational experience to both undergraduate and graduate students as well as to demonstrate the department’s cutting-edge research activities. The lectures cover a wide area of astronomy and are given by world-leading researchers. This year’s school is held fully online. No registration fee is needed. Students who have interest in the school are encouraged to register at the website.

Date: February 6 to 7, 2025

Language: English

List of Lecturer   
Masahiro Ikoma (Professor, SOKENDAI/NAOJ)
Ryoko Ishikawa (Associate Professor, SOKENDAI/NAOJ)
Miho Ishigaki (Assistant Professor, SOKENDAI/NAOJ)
Takuma Izumi (Associate Professor, SOKENDAI/NAOJ)
Nozomu Tominaga (Professor, SOKENDAI/NAOJ)

Time(JST)  Thursday, February 6 Friday, February 7

12:00-13:30 Exoplanets
Masahiro Ikoma
The Sun
Ryoko Ishikawa
14:00-15:30 Stars and the Milky Way
Miho Ishigaki
Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei
Takuma Izumi
16:00-17:30 Time-domain astronomy
Nozomu Tominaga
Admission guidance of

Application Period: December 16, 2024 – January 23, 2025 (JST)

Registration Form: HERE

Contact: Graduate Student Affairs Unit,
National Astronomical Observatory Japan
