Absolute Proper Motion of CB 3 Away from the Galactic Plane Measured with VERA in a Galactic Superbubble / Powerful high-contrast imaging techniques on direct detection of exoplnaets

[Speaker 1]
Nobuyuki Sakai
Absolute Proper Motion of CB 3 Away from the Galactic Plane Measured with VERA in a Galactic Superbubble
[Speaker 2]
Daehyun Oh
Powerful high-contrast imaging techniques on direct detection of exoplnaets
Direct detections of very faint exoplanets and brown dwarfs near bright stars are essential in understanding substellar for- mation and evolution around stars. The task is dauntingly difficult. The exoplanet or brown dwarf image is usually much fainter than the background from the brilliant PSF image. Aside from the Poisson noise, ground-based tele- scopes suffer from atmospheric turbulence that produces random short-lived speckles that mask faint companions. I will talk about two techniques called ADI and LOCI, can be used on ground-based altitude/ azimuth telescopes to subtract a significant fraction of the stellar quasistatic noise.