月別アーカイブ: 2018年4月

Detecting proto-BCG candidates at z~4 by using HSC-SSP / Gas inflow and outflow of star forming galaxies at redshift 1.4 as revealed by chemical evolution

Kei Ito, SOKENDAI 2nd year (M2)(Supervisor: Nobunari Kashikawa,Yuichi Matsuda,Yusei Koyama)
Detecting proto-BCG candidates at z~4 by using HSC-SSP

Nao Fukagawa, SOKENDAI 3rd year (D1)(Supervisor: Prof. Tadayuki Kodama,,)
Gas inflow and outflow of star forming galaxies at redshift 1.4 as revealed by chemical evolution
Gas inflow and outflow are processes that control star formation history of galaxies. Using chemical evolution models, we attempt to extract information about gas inflow and outflow of star forming galaxies at redshift z~1.4. In this talk, we discuss our results.