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Assistant Professor ARZOUMANIAN, Doris

Research Field

  • Physics of the interstellar medium - Formation and evolution of filamentary molecular clouds - Early stages of star formation.

Summary of Research

  • Understanding how stars form is central to astrophysics. Low mass stars, like our Sun, may host planets where life could emerge, and the most massive stars govern the physics and the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium of galaxies. Molecular filaments have been recently identified as the main sites of star formation. My main research is thus to derive a consistent scenario for the formation of these filaments and study their fragmentation into star forming dense cores. For that, I use various observational tracers of dust and gas, in total and polarized emission, to investigate the role of the main physical processes (turbulence, gravity, magnetic field) at play in the interstellar medium. The observational data that I use are obtained with space and ground-based facilities such as the Herschel, Planck, APEX, IRAM-30m, Nobeyama-45m, ALMA, and JCMT telescopes. In parallel, I work with theorists to confront observational results with numerical simulations and theoretical models.

Research Achievements or Papers

  • “Dust polarized emission observations of NGC 6334: BISTRO reveals the details of the complex but organized magnetic field structure of the high-mass star forming hub-filament network”, 2021, A&A, 647, A78, Arzoumanian, D., Furuya, R.; Hasegawa, T.; and the BISTRO collaboration (−6361/202038624)
  • “Characterizing the properties of nearby molecular filaments observed with Herschel”, 2019, A&A, 621, A42, Arzoumanian, D.; Andre, Ph.; et al. (−6361/201832725)
  • “Molecular filament formation and filament−cloud interaction: Hints from Nobeyama 45 m telescope observations”, 2018, PASJ, 70, 5, 96, Arzoumanian, D.; Shimajiri, Y.; Inutsuka, S.; Inoue, T.; Tachihara, K. (


  • doris.arzoumanian[at]
    (In the mailing address, replace [at] with @)
